My girls are sleeping in their nesting boxes, I know there coop is small. What to do, one is laying already.

I can't do a extravagant coop right now, my fiance just had back surgery last month. These are the eggs that have been laid do they look ok. I am new to all this. Help!!
thats a good sturdy mesh coop, eggs look great, ive been raising chickens for years, make sure you feed them layer mash, then you will have lots of eggs, chickens need layer mash for good egg production
I've had to cover the next boxes in the evening and uncover early in the morning to keep them out until they finally start using the roosts. I just tacked some light shade cloth over with a piece of wood on the bottom edge to weight it down so they wouldn't be able to go behind it. I would roll it up in the morning.
There’s no problem with a hen sleeping in the nesting box, she probably feels secure there. Keep it clean and let her be would be my suggestion. Chickens don’t always follow people rules and expectations.

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