My girls were attacked...


6 Years
Apr 10, 2013
Austin, TX
3 days ago my girls were attacked by neighbor dogs who got into my chicken yard. We lost 2 and are in wound therapy for 5. Unfortunately, we've been through this before so I have experience but I have a couple of questions: Has anyone ever given Arnica to their birds and if so how did you administer it? Same goes for Turmeric. They are so sore I was also going to rub Traumeel cream on their exposed skin where feathers were ripped out. It's been a few years since I did extensive wound therapy. Always looking for a better and more holistic and less painful solution. I'm giving them honey bathes and they are getting pain meds and antibiotics as well, vet directed. They are doing as well as to be expected.
I strongly recommend honey for your girl's cuts. it has amazing healing properties in it and is water soluble and won't sting. First, clean them with warm water and saline if you have it. Then apply some raw unfiltered honey. If the cuts are deep they should be bandaged to keep out dirt. The best bandages are the waterproof kind called Tegaderm. Nexcare makes them and you can find them at Walmart. Good luck!
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

So sorry about the attacks and your losses. That Trameel cream is good stuff and will help with inflammation and pain. You can also use a saline solution on the wounds too. Neosporin without the pain killer will really help to prevent infection. Chickens heal incredibly fast. If they start to develop infection, get ready with some Pencillin or even some Baytril will combat infection.

Just keep them warm and quiet for a while. I hope they all make a full recovery.
Welcome to BYC!
We're glad to have you.

I'm sorry about your hens! I don't know much about those natural cures/treatments, so I can't be of much help. But, good luck with your birds! It looks like Two Crows is helping you out nicely.
Glad you joined us!

I'm sorry about the attack!
Two Crows has given you some good advice, and it sounds like you're doing a great job treating them.

Good luck!
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thank you. I've been through this before and fortunately/unfortunately learned from experience. Trying new things this time around. Always looking for better ways to nurse my girls. I see you have Wyandottes. Those were the two we buried yesterday. Very sad. In recovery are Marans, a Brabanter, and a Buff Orpington (although she was the smart one and took high ground out of harms way so she was only traumatized emotionally) Thanks for the well wishes
Thanks for your reply! Yes I'm using saline to flush their wound before adding honey. The warm bathes are very soothing to them then they sit under the heater and rest. I've been through this before unfortunately and learned a great deal then. They are on antibiotics...2 by injection. They almost went for surgery but we are seeing how they do with wound therapy and bandaging. Hopefully their wounds will close and heal properly on their own without stitches. And they get pain meds. Always looking for ways to make them more comfortable during their recovery. Thanks for your help. I think I'm going to wait on the Turmeric and only add the Traumeel and Arnica to the wound 'recipe'.

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