My Good Deed for the Day with pictures Update page 5.

Had to take one cat into the vet's for teeth cleaning today so asked about the owl. They treated it for lice then checked the wing--nothing broken but thought it may have dislocated or sprained it. Apparently the vet thought it would cure itself with rest. They then turned it over to a rehabilitater near Syracuse who will take care of it until it is ready to fly before releasing it.
Nice job, Woodmort!
One thing did upset my DH. Apparently barred owls mate for life so with this one is being released in an area far removed from here--the rehibilator is 60 miles or more from where the owl was caught--there is going to be a forced separation, assuming it had a mate.
I agree. I was involved in wildlife rehab in another life and when we released any owls back into the wild, it was done in the area where it was found. have a good story for your annual Christmas letter. I remember that earlier post. This is one case where a newsletter would be interesting reading.

One thing did upset my DH. Apparently barred owls mate for life so with this one is being released in an area far removed from here--the rehibilator is 60 miles or more from where the owl was caught--there is going to be a forced separation, assuming it had a mate.

I would ask the vet to make sure the rehabber calls you when it's time for release. They would surely prefer to release it where there was a natural niche, rather than upset it by setting it free elsewhere. Not just because of the mate, but because of the shock to the bird at having to get to know a new area.

When I rescued a redtail, I also got to do the release. That insured she was with her own mate in her own territory.
Thanks for doing this good deed! We have barred owls around here and it always thrills me to hear their calls in the middle of the night. Makes insomnia a little more tolerable.

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