My heart is broke...that stupid *** bear UPDATE!!!! Problem gone!

I'm so sorry for your losses...
I can't even imagine your heartbreak...
What did the "game" people have to say...if the bears are going into yards, that's a nuisance and they can trap least they can here...
Hugs to you and your daughter.
I am so sorry for you, how horrible. But please don't blame "stupid tree huggers"....remember, some of us on here are, and we can sympathize with you. The "tree huggers" haven't done anything. The bear just sees food, not really a vendetta, as far as I know. I don't know what I would do if we had a bear, I think about it sometimes, because they are here in our state, also. Please accept my sympathy for your losses.
omg. i saw your pictures and could not help imagining what happened. i'm so glad you and/or children were not out there at the time.

is there anything at all you can do - trap the bear, call someone official.

is it possible to start over with steel-covered windows and doors?

Sorry about your loss. Sure hope you don't give up. Without the electric fencing, in bear country, it really doesn't matter how well one constructs one's coop.

Shortly after I started visiting BYC back in `04, a member, from PA, posted a shot of their bear destroyed chicken Mansion (well constructed/very sturdy/just an excellent design).

If we had bears around here there would be a dedicated circuit running from the panel...

Hang in there!
I would have shot the SOB regardless of what the law says. I have a right to protect myself and my property, if the govt don't like it let them bear proof my property, period.

Officer, that thing charged me I had no choice!!!
I'm really sorry for your loss, but electric and barbed wire and really anything else similar (unless it's power plant voltage) won't stop a bear if they are determined to get where they are going (which is usually traveling fast or opportunistically eating and running away). They break through our electric fences and high tensile fences and barbed wire and woven wire regularly with apparently no ill effect when they are traveling; they have heavy fur and to me at least it's like trying to stop my goat- if water will go through it so will a goat (or a bear). I know this will inflame people but we have historically encroached on their habitats and the danger we will interact now exists in areas where it never happened before. I've seen them in daylight and dark and I harbor no illusions that they can't get into my property; I live next to the backofbeyond and they've been here raiding fruit trees and bird feeders and other peoples' trash cans especially since we're having a drought. The difference is that I'm not in an urban area and they have other options for sustenance without me being less than the last resort. Will I be upset if they break in and eat my babies? yes. Will shooting them change things? no. Bears are usually transient and have huge ranges and if the one that was here is gone another will take its place, especially in a less than remote area. And so I make do and and do the best I can and cross my fingers because I chose to live here for all the glories of wildlife and wildness and, if I didn't want this, I would live in a city.
If I only owned a gun!
One night it came by with the radio and lights on. The officer thought a rubber bullet would keep it away, I bet if I was watching close I would see it today if not tomorrow morning!

I am at a loss as to what to do, we actually found two more. I think we have 7 girls left. I did remove most of the body parts. It just ripped them in pieces! I am scared. With all the animals in the house are we next?
They have arrested people for that here, we are to love and embrace our bears *swoon*
Ack ack Ugh! sorry hairball!

There are hundreds of acres behind me. It had plenty of choice unless there are SO many back there that everyting back there is gone!

Sorry to hear of your loss. If you were to continue with a flock, get a pyranese dog that was raised on a chicken yard. They'll protect the birds, some guys say they've even seen them jump a fence to chase a bear off.

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