My hen' beak got chewed off and her face is SUPER swollen, how can I help with the inflammation?

WARNING! These are really grusome looking. Don't Look if you are squeamish!


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Over closer inspection, she seems to have sour crop. It'd make sense because their water was spilled when I went in in the morning. And she does smell but I just thought it was because her face was messed up. So, do I take care of the sour crop or inflammation first, or both as a double whammy?
Is her crop puffy or boggy? How long since she has eaten? What does her breath smell like? Has she thrown up anything? Sour crop would really be a complication. Most of the crop problems I have seen were due to internal laying or other reproductive problems causing pressure on the internal organs. I have also seen a slow boggy crop with a few broody hens who were not moving around much. I wonder if the stress of the attack might have slowed down digestion.
I'm thinking that in for a penny, in for a pound... treat both. Totally different treatment plans, so should be able to do them at the same time. You're going to want to get that face cleaned up some though to see what's what. As extensive as the damage is, even water is going to be painful; she may tolerate a warm, moist washcloth being pressed against her face without any rubbing action to simply loosen the debris, then perhaps cotton swabs after everything is loose to gently gently daub the area, again without rubbing. I have zero experience with treating sour crop and some experience cleansing wounds. It looks as if she managed to keep most of one half of her beak, but it also looks to be split down the middle... am I seeing that right? Is that the top half or the bottom half of her beak that is still mostly-there?
I wish I had some wisdom or advice to impart, but I’m new to owning chickens/ducks, and I’m still learning as I go. I’m crossing my fingers that your girl pulls through this. You’ve received great input and suggestions from those here, so with their aid and your care, I’m sure she’s in good hands :fl

You've got to start somewhere:thumbsup
Thank you! And yes, there are some very knowledgeable people on here that are very kind and helpful!:welcome:D
Is her crop puffy or boggy? How long since she has eaten? What does her breath smell like? Has she thrown up anything? Sour crop would really be a complication. Most of the crop problems I have seen were due to internal laying or other reproductive problems causing pressure on the internal organs. I have also seen a slow boggy crop with a few broody hens who were not moving around much. I wonder if the stress of the attack might have slowed down digestion.
Her crop still has undigested crumbles in it, which she hasn't eaten any-or anything-since the day before yesterday night, like late night. She should have gotten some water before the attack, so maybe you're right about the stress slowing things down. Her crop if full though, and she stinks. I don't know how to explain it, but it has like a sweet gagging sourness if that makes any sense. I don't think she threw up, but she was bleeding a bit, and I couldn't tell where from, I just saw the blood on the straw beneath her. I'm not sure if that means she has internal problems or not. But she was HOT. She doesn't have like any down feathers underneath her and I felt her bare skin and she was really warm. Also, can I still give her food if her crop is full? Because I don't want to make anything worse, and is there something specific to help calm down the swelling of her head?
I'm thinking that in for a penny, in for a pound... treat both. Totally different treatment plans, so should be able to do them at the same time. You're going to want to get that face cleaned up some though to see what's what. As extensive as the damage is, even water is going to be painful; she may tolerate a warm, moist washcloth being pressed against her face without any rubbing action to simply loosen the debris, then perhaps cotton swabs after everything is loose to gently gently daub the area, again without rubbing. I have zero experience with treating sour crop and some experience cleansing wounds. It looks as if she managed to keep most of one half of her beak, but it also looks to be split down the middle... am I seeing that right? Is that the top half or the bottom half of her beak that is still mostly-there?
That's what I was hoping I could do. Yes, I tried to feel what the swelling felt like on her head and she did not like it so I didn't go any farther in trying. Okay, I will see what I can do with the cloth and swabs. I don't either, I do however with wounds, but none like this. It is split and there are pieces still connected that I might have to get off. It's like a loose tooth dangling by one last tiny piece of gum, and needs to be taken out. Well, there are a few that like back lashed into the front of her face where the beak met with it, and they can probably do more damage around the nares if she isn't careful. There is also a splintered looking piece on the inside of the bottom of the beak on the side that is a bit longer and I'm concerned about her cutting her tongue on it, so far so good though. There isn't really more beak than there is gone however. Bottom half is mostly still there. Thank you for the response, it really helps!

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