My hen' beak got chewed off and her face is SUPER swollen, how can I help with the inflammation?

Its a bit blurry, but you can kinda see where the bottom beak is and the split and stuff.


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I would give her fluids with electrolytes and vitamins, and you could mix some buttermilk or plain yogurt in with the water. Soft egg mashed would be alright. If you have some coconut oil, you could mix a tsp of that in some of the yogurt. That can help with sour crop or impacted crop.
I put a 3-in-1 mix that has probiotics/vitamins, electrolytes, and acidifers that should hopefully cover everything she needs. Okay, I'll try and feed her the plain yogurt with coconut oil in it and see if she'll take it in the morning. I'll also try the egg tomorrow as well, scrambled and probably hard-boiled.

It hurts me to look at her pictures.

I don't remember seeing any talk about putting her down.

Is that an option?
I'd really rather not, if she chooses to fight this battle, like my handicapped duck did right from day one, I'd like to push her along. If she just doesn't want it, my dad might put her out of misery. But they can survive and come back from some of the worst things, and if there's a chance, I want to take it.

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