My hen' beak got chewed off and her face is SUPER swollen, how can I help with the inflammation?

If there is infection then I'd probably give amoxicillin orally, but since the beak is so damaged you can get penicillin G procaine inject-able which might be better in this instance with the beak damage. It's available at Tractor Supply's, no rx, it's refrigerated. You will need syringes and needles. .5cc once a day in the breast muscle for 3 -7 days, alternate sides of breast. Here are instructions, scroll down to 'give injection' and 'treat with penicillin injection' right after:
If you think you can get amoxicillin down her, you can get it as 'fish mox' many places online with no rx. I usually mix it in coconut oil and refrigerate til firm, then give like a custom pill.
Any open wound can get infected. If you haven't done so already (I know you don't want to stress her out) you need to check her over well to make sure there are no other injuries hiding in feathers. Punctures can be hard to find.
Wow! Poor girl! I think it was a coon,tried to get her through wire. I raised a coon and the scratches on her face remind me of what their little claws can do. Chickens are amazing healers,sounds like she is going to fight to beat this!:fl Good luck to you and your girl!:caf
I have seen Fish Mox (amoxicillin) at Tractor Supply recently. You might check tomorrow. At mine it is located in an aisle with oral medicines for cows and other animals. Just browse the aisles or ask a clerk for help. Dosage is 250 mg (or 57 mg per pound) twice a day for chickens.

Wow! Poor girl! I think it was a coon,tried to get her through wire. I raised a coon and the scratches on her face remind me of what their little claws can do. Chickens are amazing healers,sounds like she is going to fight to beat this!:fl Good luck to you and your girl!:caf
I'm thinking it was a coon too, but there was no wire between her and her predator, but I know what you're talking about. Yes, they most definitely are! I hope so, but I don't know, she's getting weaker.
I'm thinking it was a coon too, but there was no wire between her and her predator, but I know what you're talking about. Yes, they most definitely are! I hope so, but I don't know, she's getting weaker.

Oh. I’m so sorry to hear she’s getting weaker. :( Poor thing. :hugs

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