My hen just laid 7 eggs

I guess it could be lash egg, though the thing she laid didn't look anything like any of the pictures I'm seeing. It was a squashy, muddy blob (some of the "shell" came off on my hand like pasty grit) with a membrane and some albumen. The next layer looked the same. The next 2 layers were just membrane and albumen. So by the time I was done peeling it apart, it looked like I had scooped up a giant wad of egg whites, membranes, and pulverized shell. It was a gloppy mess.

I did give all of the girls water with ACV, probiotics, and vitamins today. Harriet looks like her normal self today. I imagine it was quite a relief to get all of that junk out! Everyone has been free ranging since this morning (they've been roaming about for at least 7 hours now) and I haven't seen any odd poses or lethargy from her. Still haven't given them any garlic, but I will before they go back to their run for the night.
Just gave them some minced garlic. Holy frijole! I'm surprised that I didn't lose any skin, since I stupidly poured it into my hand and offered it to them! After 9 years with chickens, you'd think I'd know better. 😂


I did warn you they love it!!! lol

And glad to hear your hen is doing alright 👍
Today I gave them a small dish of minced garlic. One of my Dominques launched herself at the container, so I think that I ended up wearing more of the garlic than they got to eat. Goofs. I think I’m going to try the mixing in with their pellets from now on. Now I’m off to wash the garlic out of my hair. 😂
My chickens had infectious bronchitis virus early on, and many have suffered from reproductive disorders. IB is known to affect the ovary and kidney, especially in pullets.
My chickens had infectious bronchitis virus early on, and many have suffered from reproductive disorders. IB is known to affect the ovary and kidney, especially in pullets.
Would she not have some respiratory symptoms then?

I think the OP said she is an older production hen. She is an athlete of egg laying. Unfortunately, these "wear out" after a while. You can't retire a hen from egg laying the way you can a racehorse from racing.
Would she not have some respiratory symptoms then?

I think the OP said she is an older production hen. She is an athlete of egg laying. Unfortunately, these "wear out" after a while. You can't retire a hen from egg laying the way you can a racehorse from racing.
Yep, she’s getting old. I always wondered if the production layers would have more trouble in the long run than my heritage breeds. My 9 year old Speckled Sussex is my prettiest, healthiest looking hen of the bunch. She’s just starting her annual molt though, so she’s about to get pretty scraggly!

I’ll give them all some ACV tomorrow. How do you give the garlic? Right now I just have powdered garlic and minced in a jar.
I buy large tubs of minced dried garlic at the feed store and just put a small cup in with their layer pellets. They love it. With kitchen jar garlic just do the same.

I've never tried giving them a fresh bulb of garlic. Maybe they'd like that though idk!
I've had varying experiences with reds. One lived for about 8 or 9 years, and long after she stopped laying she then prolapsed so bad her whole insides were on the floor :(.I lost others at 2/3 years, and some inbetween. They laid like machines until their bodies just gave up. Loved them though, so friendly and they were my first chickens so have a real place in my heart.

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