My Hens Attacked Their Rooster


9 Years
Sep 27, 2010
I came home this afternoon to find my rooster in fairly bad shape. My boyfriend said he was attacked by his 8 hens. They had torn out most of his tail and rear feather and he was bleeding quite a bit. I found a pecked out egg in the coop and we do have one broody (albeit very young hen), but I'm not certain he is the culprit. The entire flock is only 6 months old and in the hens defense, he is not a gentle rooster with his ladies. Any ideas on why this happened or if they'll except him again? I have him isolated to recover at the moment.
Oh no, how is your boy doing today?

All it takes is for your head hen to go after him and the rest will follow - backing up their boss.

Once he is better, I would section him off a secure area in the run for the day (with shade and where the girls cannot get him) and put him in a small dog crate at night, placing the crate in the coop with the girls.

Give them some time - a week/month - you will need to watch to see how long - to get to know each other safely. If he is a very young roo/cockerel - this will give him time to mature and start to court the girls. Watch and you will see him call them for treats, when the girls start responding - I would turn him out with them when I had a full day to watch and step in if there where problems.

Thank you for the info! He is doing better. These hens and roo were all born and raised together, so they are familiar. However, he is not a gentle rooster with his ladies by any means (ie no courting, just taking). If the head hen is also the broody hen (they're all only 6 months old, but I have one very broody girl), and if he is the one that busted an egg, I'm gonna guess that may be what got him in trouble. I did separate him in a dog crate til he healed up. At the moment, they all seem to be friends again. I'm watching closely. We'll see. Thanks for the helpful info.
Sounds like the girls got fed up with his BS and decided to put a big pop-knot on his head !!!


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