My hens still will not leave the coop, still!!

Thank you all for your replies. I am thinking of getting a roo to give them some protection. I have the cold hardy breeds, buff orphingtons, barred Rock and americaunas(spelling maybe off.)

There has been some dog coming around, looks like a beagle mix, barking on the other side of the fence? Then i did find a dead one some time back and another I caught the dog before any harm was done. Had his teeth around its neck!!!We found the breech in the fencing. But maybe I should bring the dog to a shelter, it has no collar?? And keeps coming around?
Amy incentral wi.
Unfortunately a roo is not going to be able to fend off a dog very well. If the dog looks feral (skinny, dirty, unkempt) I would take it to a shelter. If it looks "kept", chase it and see if you can find the home, talk with the owners and let them know he is a chicken killer and they need to keep it home or lose it. If you can't locate an owner, you could put up a "found" sign with the shelter address and phone number (and drop him off). That way you don't have to deal with any (possibly) idiot owners. If I was a chicken, I wouldn't go outside with that dog around either!
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