My highland Ponies and other animals!


10 Years
Mar 21, 2009
Wet Argyll, Scotland
Hi Everyone, I thought I would post a picture of my highland ponies as I doubt there are many in America????
They used to be used by gamekeepers to carry the deer down off the hills! They sometimes still are used but not an awful lot!

Anyway this is Mary and her foal Dooska. Dooska's real name is Dubh Sgier which means black rock in gaelic!


Dooska, me and Mary


Naughty cat!

The dogs Taz and Jess
Oh gosh, I am just *so* in love with your stone barn and gas Aga and all the rest.

My mom is from belfast and I hold Irish/ UK citizenship. I MISS Ireland and Scotland (Britain can go hang itself...)I LOVE the older farms with their stone barns and rustic feel.

Can I start on how awesome your ponies are? They are just beautiful. So typey. I am so happy you are helping to preserve this breed, I love heritage breeds!! Their colors are fan-tas-tic!!

Can I ask- are you super careful about their weight and founder? My half- welsh founders if he eats anything more than 10-12 pounds of rough hay daily. NO grass for him.

I woulk like to hear how you feed them, and your general thoughts on weight/ founder on Isle breed ponies!!
Beautiful ponies!!!

My husband went to Scotland and visited some of the counties there. I am not sure if he went to Argyll but he is from the Campbell clan via thru Thompson. He didnt see any ponies there but plenty of sheep and Border Collies LOL!

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