My husband passed away working our our coop on Saturday, June 12, 2010

Losing a loved one is devastating. You have my very deepest symapthy. I'm sure your husband put his heart into building that hen house for you, and would be very proud of you wanting to complete it. It will always stand as a tribute to his memory.
I am so sorry you lost your husband. Hug hug hug!

That chicken coop looks like a work of art.....maybe his friends will come finish it for you....don't be timid....ASK FOR HELP! PEOPLE REALLY DO LOVE TO HELP!

You hang in there......wish I was closer...I would lend a hand for sure.
I divided my coop with 2x4 framing and covering that with poultry wire. Each section has it's own screen door, inside the main door. The birds can see each other but can't mingle.
I am so deeply sorry for your loss.
He was building a stunning coop. I agree with the others, ask for help from friends/relatives. When it's finished, may it bring you peace and honor his memory.
I am so sorry for your loss. He was building you a beautiful coop and I can see why you would like to fix it. I'm glad that friends are there to help you. I agree with putting the windows on the outside.

I would divide the coop with chicken wire or netting. I used netting on mine and it's very easy to work with.

First, so sorry for your loss. Your hubby was building a beautiful coop. I'm glad to hear you have friends willing to help out. Maybe one can browse the coop section to get ideas to help finish your husband's plans.

For the inside wall/door, I do have a suggestion. We framed ours with 2x4's and then used hardware cloth, but chicken wire would work also. The door was built about 10" above the floor with a piece of chip board on the bottom in slots so it can be raised and removed for cleanup. The reason we did it this way was because the litter would get in the way of the door opening and closing properly. When I go into the other side, I just step over the board, but remove it when I do the coop cleanout. We did that on both interior doors. Here are pics: (They are from when we were still building it)




My DH and I wish we were closer, because we would be glad to come and lend a hand.

Take Care,
Hi Vicki~
we used hardware cloth for our ventilation areas and they are just open, although they are pretty narrow openings. I like someone's idea of shower doors, but I also like hardware cloth, that way if you have birdies separated they can see each other.

I would like to say how deeply sorry I am for you and your family. It sounds like his friends are already helping you. Like the others, I wish I lived closer, I would be at your doorstep right now. I don't know much about construction, but I would be willing to learn. Take care of yourself.
I'm so sorry, this has happened. It's good to keep busy. Read the Coops section there are some really good idea's, auto feeders and waterers with nipples. Where best to store your feed. Some feeders that are rodent resistant. That is a very beautiful coop, you'll have to name it something pretty. I live on a road called Dixie so I called their coop the Dixie Chick's Home.

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