My little bunny.

We looked into being a 4H member last fall and attended one meeting. The club is very demanding of your time and they schedule when you are where. It was something we decided would not work for us right now. Maybe in another year or two. I checked into other clubs near by and they sounded pretty much the same. It is kids who have one parent that works part time or not at all that are members. There is no way you could both work full time and make the kind of commitement they demand here. Sad but, true.
those two buns look like mini rexs.
is their fur really soft?
They arent chinchillas though... not the right color
the first is a broken black the second broken chin ( not sure on that ) cause the color is extremely dark.. i think it may be a steel...
they are gorgeous though.. lucky you!
i hope they bring lots of joy to your life!!
I posted in post 13, I believe it was, that they are Mini Rexs. Don't ask me how DH got that mixed up. He took Kute Kitten to get the bunnies right after work, she went with him that day. I would have remembered it but, that's not his thing. After he talked to the guy when he came in to the feedmill, DH called home right away so he would get it right and not forget! hehe!
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Thats a shame that 4-H is so strict there! Our club has very few requirements, but we have quite a few fun activities during the year also. The only two requirements that we have is that you attend 70% of the meetings (Which are every month or every other month depending on the season) and that you give one public presentation to the club. We also ask for some help at our fair setting up the poultry area and taking it down, but that's about it. Our membership is EXTREMELY low in our area though and it is unfortunate because 4-h is such a wonderful program.
Your club sounds more like my type! I expected the monthly meetings and a couple fundraisers and then whatever she decided to do for projects but, not this other mess!
Too bad you are not closer!

We usually do one yearly fundraiser and it usually just involves selling candy, which isn't too difficult. This year we made t-shirts for our club and just went on a camping trip for three days.

I know too many clubs are very demanding. Not so much in my area, but 4-H really really differs from state to state. This was my last year in 4-H, but I just got the information about becoming a co-leader and I am very excited about it!
Your buns are adorable!!!! We had a beautiful fawn colored mini-rex that passed away a year ago. She was the softest thing I've ever touched and such a sweetie!

I understand your frustrations with the 4-H. Ours is run by a bunch of moms who don't work outside the home and expect everyone to be available for meetings at 3pm on a weekday. Can't happen when you work full-time. Does your school have an FFA? That is a great program for the kids and different from 4H in some aspects. They could certainly support the animal showing and projects your kids are interested in.

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