My little coop


In the Brooder
Apr 24, 2016
San Diego, Tx
Our long term plan is to let our chickens range and coop them up only at night or when we're not home to protect them from predators so we didn't build a very big coop. We only have 12 birds (6 Bantams and 6 full size). I built them a 6x6x6 covered on 2 sides with siding to protect them from the prevailing winds and rain and the rest of it covered in hardware cloth. Inside, I've now given them a feeder made of 3" PVC pipe and a 5 gallon bucket with nipples on the bottom. I need to refill the bucket about once every 4 days and the feeder about once a week. Ultimately, I'm going to connect a float valve to the bucket and plumb it into the water supply and I'll probably add a couple of feeders or figure out a way to attach a 5 gallon bucket to it as well so I can put 20 - 30 pounds of feed in it at a time.

The nesting box is outside the coop. We're still several months away from getting any eggs so we're just using it for shelves right now. I didn't want to include it in the coop so that they don't get used to sleeping in it now, I want my eggs to be poop free.

We're ranging them supervised in the yard a couple of hours a day right now, once in the morning and again in the evening but, I'm thinking I might go ahead and build them a run to use during the day for a few months until they're big enough that I feel comfortable letting them range unsupervised.

This is our first time with chickens so we're learning through trial and error. The birds seem pretty happy with what we've done so far and really look forward to the social hour ranging with us but, I'm always open to any suggestions. They particularly like their "roosting tree" during the day. At night, they pile up under the water bucket in a corner on the ground.

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