Here are the pics from our first field outing in the back yard...where the wild things are!

(I selected 26 from the myriad of pics I took, but I’ll spare y’all all of them. Except Ralphie! I’m gonna make him look at every single duck picture I take!:lau)

This is little Twinkle, the puny one. She looks so good.
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The ducklings’ reaction to a bunch of chickens that had gathered to look at the ‘oddballs.’
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Another picture of Twinkle drinking. At least she no longer falls over while getting a sip!
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Meet Latte, the Fawn & White Runner. Because of the darker coloring on her face, once she got wet she reminded me of Groucho Marx. Oh those eyebrows! (More of her later.)
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Silly Latte/Groucho!
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Hershey, the Chocolate Runner. Dark Chocolate Feet!
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Little Twinkle. Tiny but mighty!
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A reaction to the Mockingbird flying over!
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All the sistas!
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It’s just Petey, the White Layer, telling me it was time to eat again!
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Hershey just relaxing and showing a little leg!
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Meet Peaches, my Buff Orpington duck! Who knew there were chickens and ducks with the same breed name.
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Hershey saying, “Whaaattttt?”
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Little Quinny, the Welsh Harlequin, in the front.
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My sidekick with the ducklings (from L to R):
Petey - White Layer
Peaches - Buff Orpington
Latte/Groucho - Fawn & White Runner
Hershey - Chocolate Runner
Twinkle - Saxony
Quinny - Welsh Harlequin
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On the next field trip I will have to get more cute pictures of Peaches and Quinny. I feel like I dissed them by not getting more of them. No worries! I will, duckies, I will!

I hope y’all didn’t yawn more than twice looking at my babies!

Don't worry, I think most of us wouldn't mind looking at duckie pics all day! So precious :love I don't know if I should have favorites, but Hershey is so cute! Which one has the most personality, or can you tell yet?
You could give her a cute little trio of eggs. SHe would love you for it. and really whats three more ducklings. :D
… A reason for my wife to ban me to the duck-house!!!
Dang i'm so weak: I would let her hatch ten ducklings could she make sure that there won't be no more drakes!!! Hormones are building up here and i had to break up a couple of drake-fights this afternoon. Unfortunately Erpelchen, the Buff-Orpington (bull) has developed some kind of hatred for Limpy (mouse) and was chasing him all over the place. Can't remember how many times i hosed the bully down, but in the end the water from the hose was ice-cold…
Yep. What WannaBeHillBilly said. That wording sounds... violent.
(My day? Oh, I shot myself five times. Once at breakfast, another at lunch, then at dinner and then dessert, plus my basal insulin shot! Four shots quick-acting insulin and then my basal. Five shots).
For real? - Five shots a day?!? :th
Mom was always worried i might try psychoactive substances (aka dr*gs)! I really calmed her down by explaining her that i'd be too scared of the needles to even think of it. (Heroin was a terrible problem in Germany during the 70's and 80's!)
… A reason for my wife to ban me to the duck-house!!!
Dang i'm so weak: I would let her hatch ten ducklings could she make sure that there won't be no more drakes!!! Hormones are building up here and i had to break up a couple of drake-fights this afternoon. Unfortunately Erpelchen, the Buff-Orpington (bull) has developed some kind of hatred for Limpy (mouse) and was chasing him all over the place. Can't remember how many times i hosed the bully down, but in the end the water from the hose was ice-cold…

More ducks are always a good idea! Besides if you only hatch three or so eggs, the possibility of more drakes is lower ;)
Oops. I forgot to specify that the four shots were of insulin. Sorry, I probably sounded suicidal there. It's fixed now, hopefully... man, diabetics talking about their daily routine must sound so weird to non-diabetics....
Don't worry, i had several relatives with diabetes. That is my nightmare, i am afraid of needles for real! Passed out a couple of times during blood sampling…
Don't worry, I think most of us wouldn't mind looking at duckie pics all day! So precious :love I don't know if I should have favorites, but Hershey is so cute! Which one has the most personality, or can you tell yet?
Hershey is precious and I love to watch her flap her wings and s-t-r-e-t-c-h. She is so tall. And those Hershey Kiss feet!

I have had more interaction with Petey the white layer, but that’s only because she has been more forward than the others. For two days I’ve mostly dealt with the sick one so I’ve not really pursued any of the others until today. But I can tell they are all starting to come around.

My intent is for them all to be very people friendly. I mean, it’s not like I don’t already have 20+ chickens all under my feet and in my way now. What’s six more ducks?

My little sidekick decided he would spend the night with me the past two nights so he could get up and immediately see the ducklings, so I’ve not had good one on one time with the babies yet. Maybe starting tomorrow though. As I do with my chickens, I just love sitting and watching the ducklings.

Let’s see how tomorrow progresses. DH has to work so that’ll leave me able to just sit with them. I think they will all take turn about getting to know me, and me getting to know them! :love
More ducks are always a good idea! Besides if you only hatch three or so eggs, the possibility of more drakes is lower ;)
Tell that to my neighbors: They selected six eggs from my ducks and stuffed them under their broody chicken and out came four drakes and one duck! - The reason for a drake to duck ration of 1:2.5 - i need at least six more ducks here…

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