My mail lady did a drive by drop off!!!!!

Hi Wayne, No new info. I was giving her a day due to the holiday, I will be calling her tomorrow for an update. Well, as for the new eggs, most look good. I also already had some of my own mutt eggs in my bator before this happened(iI put them in on the 23rd of Oct) and they are pipping and peeping as we speak!!! Its actually very exciting. BUT it makes me more upset about what she did to my silkie eggs, because they would be doing this soon also. I will let you know what happens tomorrow!! Did you get my PM?? I was checking in to see how you've been!!!
Hi guys!!! No new info as far as the mail lady goes, they don't really want to say anything, since its an investigation....BUT on a happy note: 2 baby quail survived AND hatched!!!! They took 18 days to hatch, BUT they did it!!! These babies are soo precious!! And even more so because of what they went through and for those eggs to survive until hatch after being thrown from a car window it just amazes me!!! There were 2 more that were still moving last night, so we'll see. I will keep everyone posted when I get some good info about the mail lady. Thanks!!!! Chrissie
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Right!!! I ended up with 3 baby quail, these were actually put in the box for free. But I think they are the cutest little babies!! They are so tiny!! Someone mentioned before some names, bang,bam, boom, so I guess thats their names. And they were born on my sons birthday!!! Yay!!!!!
Thanks!! I am still in shock that they actually made it. Shipped eggs are hard enough to hatch, nevermind when the box they are in gets tossed out a window, I call them my little angels!! Theya re amazing!! Tell your son HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! How old?? Mine turned 10 yesterday.
Oh my gosh to do that to your future baby chicks, like she didn't care, besides confronting post master I would be confronting the mail lady that threw them out..I am sorry you had that happen to you.
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