My mutant

Did she eat on her own at first or did you have to help her get started? I guess there really isn't any way to get it to straighten at all, like you can with spraddle leg, is there?
I tried and tried to get her out everyday and hold it together but it seemed to hurt her more than anything. It seems that the jaw is misaligned and it has to grow crooked like that. She had others with her that showed her how to eat on her own and now she is the first to eat and drink and knocks everyone else out of the way.
LOL...I hope she get to that point.
She has 6 others with her so maybe she will learn from them.
I had a E.E. with a crossed beak. He lived for a while.
His was not due to x-raying. I have his parents. I sure hope she makes it for you. Poor little thing. Good luck keep us updated.

I did not have to help him eat. He did great with eating and drinking. I am not sure if he got trampled or what. I just went out one day and he was laying there dead. I believe he was 4 weeks old. And I am sure he would have made it if he wasn't in with 50 other chicks. :|
Too cold, too hot, too old, and x rays could have all messed up the eggs. You can still hatch an egg held at 30F for 6 hours, but all chicks that devlop will be deformed. With all the smashed eggs, at least you had some hatch! Good luck with the little one!

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