My neighbor's dog is an idiot...

Reckon it's the chicken smell that makes critters think these things are real?

Well, they are white, round, and smell like a chicken's bottom, what more could you ask for!?
Reckon it's the chicken smell that makes critters think these things are real?

Well, they are white, round, and smell like a chicken's bottom, what more could you ask for!?

Gotta love the taste of plastic and rubber in them round chicken eggs
Well, they are white, round, and smell like a chicken's bottom, what more could you ask for!?

Gotta love the taste of plastic and rubber in them round chicken eggs

That's what I was thinking!!!
inuyashalover21 wrote:
Your DH is not the only one laughing. I thought my dogs where not on the bright side but thats sad LOL. It should pass and it might be on the news about a dog laying a mysterious egg

Shouldn't be too mysterious. It has "This egg is fake" written on it since DH kept callecting it and putting it in the fridge. I think he's laughing because he's now not the only one tricked by the fake eggs!

OMG!!! LOL!!!!

My dog regularly eats charcoal out of the fireplace and then poops a brickette the next day. She would definitely eat a fake egg if one were available.
Shouldn't be too mysterious. It has "This egg is fake" written on it since DH kept callecting it and putting it in the fridge. I think he's laughing because he's now not the only one tricked by the fake eggs!

OMG!!! LOL!!!!

Ditto that like a hundred times, lol!!!!
OK. If a dog can pass charcoal I don't see much difference in plaster. Whew. She's a pest, but she's a sweet pest and I wouldn't want her to come to harm.
I wonder if the plaster, even if chewed, will pass like corn?!?!?! Ok, that's just weird that I'd be thinking that!
Ya'll bring the silly out in me!!

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