My new and first Coop Build..

Well my patience has paid off.. I wanted to use T1-11 for the outside walls but that stuff is really expensive! HD= $28 PER SHEET Ouch!! So I contemplated and was going to settle for plywood @ $13 a sheet.. But something made me walk out of HD and didnt buy them.. So I practically was kicking myself in the @$$ because its my day off and I havent done a thing to the coop.. argggh.. I got a headache and headed to the CVS for Excedrin.. On my way back from the store..........
There it was...
6 sheets of T1-11 On the side of the road And a door...
... Loaded the sheet ontop of my car and headed back home... miraculously headache was gone....the sheets are in perfect condition, some are cut up but I can make it work will post pics tomorrow... The door is too tall but i will modify it to fit..

Total saving @ $300.00
Miracles do come true.. Priceless
Today we busted our butts. We accomplished a lot. I finished putting up the siding. Traci wasted no time in following behind me and immediately priming then painting each wall. The ducks hung around all day watching us. It was as if they were cheering us on. They rewarded us today by feeding out of our hands for the first time. Soooo exciting. Even got pictures of Traci giving hugs to Charlie. He seemed to like it..... We now have lid for boxes, chicken wire, Bamboo roof, and then mounting the bell tower cuppola. Will it ever be done??? aarrggghhhhhh



Love the coop! Very, very nice. As far as a good docile breed I say buff Orpington, very gentle and love attention. Cochins are pretty cool also. We live in California and both breeds do well.
Thank You all for following our build and thanks for you input on types of breeds.. we are liking, Orpingtons, EE's, Ameraucanas, Leghorns, RIR, and Dominique.. SO I guess we will have to decide from here..But we are looking for One or two black ducks I believe Black Swedish?

Back to the coop: It is almost finished. we have some fencing to put up and finish the bamboo roof and painting.
A coworker of ours has sugar gliders and he was building them a cage and had purchased 1/2 inch PVC coated chicken wire, only to find out that the SG's where getting sick from chewing on the PVC coating. So he has offered me to take the rest of the Wire. He has a giant roll of it over 200 feet.. So i will see on Wednesday if he keeps his word and if so I will have free chicken wire.. very excited!
Love the creatativity of your coop and that it looks like the family was having fun getting it built. Would love to see the after photos with all your new critters in it.
Charlie is a cute little trooper. Hope he/she grows up to be a healthy fun member of the flock.

I have Blue Wyandottes, Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas, Silkies, and bantam Frizzle Cochins.

The Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas do love to be cuddled and so does Cinnimon my Silkie rooster. My Wyandottes will eat out of my hand but don't like to be picked up. However, I do have a few hens that love to hop up on my shoulder for attention and I think for the better view. (they are silly)

My Blue Wyandottes are good layers when the girls are not trying to go broody on me. My other breeds have not reached laying age yet.

If you just want a fun backyard flock and are not into breeding a specific breed try a mixed flock of hens from different breeds that you are interested in. This will give you fun diversity and you can also discover what breed works best for your family should you decide to pick a specific breed to breed in the future.

Again great job on the coop!

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