My New Coop! 3/14 Today's progress pic on post #356

How eloquent. I've been helping my BIL move (unexpectedly) and been sick as well. I did get the existing coop all cleaned out today. Tomorrow, I will see about getting the floor put together. I wouldn't want you guys to pine away waiting for updated picks any longer.
At this rate it might be faster to train the chickens how to use a hammer and hand saw.
It's all a bunch of jib-jab, don't be getting all mad and upset Buster, you started the OP as a funny.

Ride it out for a funny, sides you are starting to use fancy words, that's how I could tell you were getting all tossed up in stiches.

el⋅o⋅quent   /ˈɛləkwənt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [el-uh-kwuhnt] Show IPA Pronunciation

–adjective 1. having or exercising the power of fluent, forceful, and appropriate speech: an eloquent orator.
2. characterized by forceful and appropriate expression: an eloquent speech.
3. movingly expressive: looks eloquent of disgust.

Look, this has been the funniest thread I have visited in YEARS. I and other posters LOL reading this, but in know way was any of my funny business meant to hurt anyone.



Be smooth and find the humor, you just might be the peep that everyone talks about.

So you might have placed yourself in the whipping boy spot. I'd guess folks are going to find some kind humor from your post.

No, I won't post anymore, at best, my post were for giggles.

Since your still the whipping boy, can we have some pictures?

Hang up some xmas lights, post a photo, do something with the space and tell us about your progress. Be the funny that you started this thread from.
No way man! I've been laughing the whole time. Read my posts- I use big words all the time. I didn't mean to offend you in any way- I promise! I purposely made myself the whipping boy so that people would hassle me into getting off my lazy butt and building the thing. WHIP AWAY!

Don't stop posting- I thought your posts were hysterical. I should have added more smilies to let you know.
Buster why are you wasting time here on the net when you could be out there with a light, hammer & saw?

If you start right now you can have the floor done by about sunrise!

Fill your coffee thermos and get to it!
RR- the trouble is that I'm going to build it in the garage- I even have lights.

No- I think I'll go to bed for now and get started in the morning. You guys keep tabs on me- I'll post some pics.


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