My New Coop! 3/14 Today's progress pic on post #356

Not much progress today. My drill has lousy batteries and it's rained off and on plus I had to deal with an obnoxious rooster who now resides in my refrigerator where he can't attack my two year old.

I did manage to take the bow out of the short wall. I took my truck jack and jacked it up and blocked it. It worked great. I also got the OSB screwed onto that side to help support things.

I had some great weather to work with in the middle of the day today but unfortunately was running errands for DW in town. By the time I got back it was too windy to get much OSB up by myself so I had to call it a day a few minutes ago. Hopefully tomorrow the wind will die down.

On the plus side, these are some of the strongest winds we've had for a while and the coop doesn't look like it will blow away.
Isn't fun carrying plywood or OSB on a real windy day? Been a few times I've wound up someplace other than where I was headed.
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I was on a job once and an apprentice was bring sheathing up a rather large roof on a 2 story building. He was supposed to stop short of the peak, slide them up and over the ridge to carpenters working below. He didn't when he got to the peak the wind took him for a ride. He didn't let go and sailed out at least 30' from the building. Still broke a leg, but it could have been much worse.

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