My New Coop! 3/14 Today's progress pic on post #356

Buster, why are the windows on the side of the coop as opposed to the front or back walls? Also why is the roof pitched away from the trees instead of towards them? Are the prevailing winds in your area coming from the direction of the trees or the reverse going towards the trees?

Just wondering, it's looking really good there though. Must be nice to have free labor, or are you paying them in eggs?

I wish I was that far along with mine, right now it's just the walls up with out any sheathing.
Well, the windows are on the side because the runs will be on the tree side and the sun hits the other side for long periods of time in the evenings and I was afraid of greenhouse effect. The roof slopes away from the trees because the pop doors are on the other side and I can't have snow sliding off the roof and burying the pop doors and the run. My chicken yard will be the area in the front of the trees (on the high side of the coop). The prevailing winds come towards the trees to the building.

Yes I've been paying people in eggs.
Thank you for the explanations, I knew there had to be a logical reason for your madness, um plans being that way.

If I recall from a previous series of pictures, you have a yard on the road side of the trees and some sort of fencing. Any plans to plant some kind of screening along there to help the chickens have some privacy and deaden the road noises? Also keep possible chicken thiefs from seeing your birds?

If everything goes according to plan I will be moving to a new home on almost a 1/4 acre lot by May 1rst. So in a way I'm glad I haven't finished the lofts or coops. I can knock the current structure apart and transport it to the new home and rebuild it.
I plan on planting lilacs all around my entire property to help eliminate the "fish bowl" effect I currently live in. I have a big yard light that illuminates a lot of this coop. I also plan on having a locking door on the coop. Also, my heeler will be fenced into the chicken yard with the birds, so that will probably be a good deterrent for most sane people.
Great, Not only will they provide some screening, but they will also help cover the chicken scent in the spring when they bloom. They came out with a Yellow Lilic a couple of years ago, and with the pastel colored ones and the traditional deep purple one will create a nice effect.

Wonder if your heeler is going serve the chickens with an eviction notice once your done and reclaim her super large dog house.
Your coop looks fantastic!

I wonder if I showed my DH pics of your coop and told him that's what I want for my third coop this spring, if he'd take it well?
I'm jealous. I want a coop that size ... I could have lots more chickens. I haven't gotten brave enough to ask my husand to expand the coop. He did expand their yard area

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