My new pigeons_PICs


15 Years
Jan 13, 2007


Well anyhow I forgot to ask what kind they were. They are feather footed and slightly bigger than my old german owl. there coloring is irridescent. Picked up 3 of them. Thanks if anyone knows what they are or where to find out.
Thanks, they are pretty little birds and they are just pets:) and a friend for my old german owl.
stupid pigeons, yesterday I figured I would let them out for the day as one pair had bonded and layed eggs and sitting on them, well the black one which wasn't bonded to anyone took off and the other one's mate took off haven't seen them yet today, guess I should have made em sit in the kennels a couple more weeks:(
Haven been looking around the neighborhood and have not seen em at all.
The mate to the one came back
but the black one didn't
which sucks coz he would eat out of my hand. Oh well, next time it is 3 wks in the cage, I purchased them at a swap live and learn right. If I can find a couple more I would be happy, I am enjoying the pigeons.
Yeah 3 or 4 weeks is preferable with adult birds. I know they aren't homers, but they are adults, so when they get out, they tend to get really hyper their first flight of freedom, and may fly off a little too far too fast. They won't know their surroundings very well yet, so they are easy to get lost.
Were they hungry when you let them out? It's easier to get them back inside when they're hungry. I usually don't let my new birds out for too long at a time at first. Just enough to let them flutter around and check the place out, but not long enough for hawks to come by and scare them off or whatnot.

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