My one and only chick hatched, incubator tested and worked! pics


10 Years
Mar 23, 2009
Marysville Ohio
So here "she" is


and adopted Momma,

and adopted siblings, cant wait to see what colors I get



Momma hatched out the first 5 and I got one egg from the coop as a test with my new bator, and it worked, and momma adopted baby! Thank goodness for silkies and one broody lil hen!
What kind of silkie is momma? I really like her coloring, and I'm looking for a good broody. I know NOTHING about silkies. Can you keep them with standard sized chickens?
Very cute!

Congrats on your hatch and getting mama to accept her as her own! Aren't Silkies just wonderful?!?!
Congrats on your new babies!

If it's any consolation, my broody hen (silkie) always outperforms my incubator. After shipping eggs in, my incubator is about 50% successful while by broody hen is 90%. After the hatch, I candled the non-hatching eggs under the broody & they weren't fertilized so it wasn't for the lack of trying. I figure the hens are the experts!

Your broody hen is a partridge silkie, right?
Hova bator, still air,

Momma is a black silkie and just broodie as all get out,
she was in a pin with white, gray, black and buff silkies so I can get any color but asume they will be gray and black so far....
Silkies can be with full size chickens, they are wayyyy not aggressive, very sweet birds, but not a good source for eggs as they tend to try to hatch them all!!!! If you want chicks with out raising them your self they will sit on and raise anyones!!!

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