My only Spangled Hamburg


Dec 21, 2019
Vancouver island. Bc. Canada.
I posted this one a couple weeks ago. I got one single spangled Hamburg and I was hoping for it to be female as I ready have my rooster.
this chick is almost 6 weeks old.
Does it still look like a boy?


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I'm in the same boat as you!
My only Silver Spangled Hamburg, bought as a sexed one day old female, almost 6 weeks old and I've been thinking this week that she could be a cockerel and was just going to wait and see, but comparing the two, I think yours looks more like a pullet than mine !
Took a while to get a good pic as they don't sit still for long now :)

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I'm in the same boat as you!
My only Silver Spangled Hamburg, bought as a sexed one day old female, almost 6 weeks old and I've been thinking this week that she could be a cockerel and was just going to wait and see, but comparing the two, I think yours looks more like a pullet than mine !
Took a while to get a good pic as they don't sit still for long now :)

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Yeah I posted mine when it was 3 weeks and people thought cockrel at that time. So who knows! Lol.
I think you might be lucky!
Until a week ago I thought I was too, because the comb was so pale and much smaller,but not now lol!
Typical, as it was the only white egg layer I ordered!

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