My pekin x silkie comb is red/orange is it a male?


May 18, 2023
Hello, my pekin cross silkie is around 20 days old. I bought him/her from a straoght run and noticed its comb turning orange/red. He/she is really calm and isn't noisy and likes being held but can be quite skittish at times,does this mean it's a cockerel?


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Comb coloration says roo
Oh okay thank you! I was leaning to him being a cockerel too as the comb was turning red but I read that combs of males and females can redden early but it depends if its grows more or not and right now his comb is small so I'm still hoping there's a chance he'll turn out to be a hen,less likely tho. I'm going to keep him either way, also just wondering if I breed him and a pekin bantam what will the offspring turn out to be?
One thing's for certain. It ain't a rooster. But I'm going to agree with nuthatched, too early to say
How do you know its not a roo? Just wondering because I've read up a lot of things online saying different things so I'm a bit lost. His/her comb is flat without any ridges and its been the same size since I got it just more orange,right now the chick is 18-20 days old when will I be able to know the gender for sure? Thanks :)
How do you know its not a roo? Just wondering because I've read up a lot of things online saying different things so I'm a bit lost. His/her comb is flat without any ridges and its been the same size since I got it just more orange,right now the chick is 18-20 days old when will I be able to know the gender for sure? Thanks :)

I'm saying it can't be a rooster because roosters are males over the age of 1. It's still early to accurately tell the gender of this chick yet, and this orange color is normal-ish for this age. It still might be a cockerel, but for now we need to wait. An update at 6 weeks would be best. Sorry if I confused you

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