My poor Abbey girl ** PICS ADDED **

OH MY cara!! My sister's dog lab got bit as well but we were home for his bite I have never seen them that swollen before. WOW
OMG Cara - they looked awful - that must have given you a heart attack seeing them like that - is all the blood on her from her or the snake ??

Ok you win the " my dogs face is swollen contest " LOL poor babies - I hope they got the snake good.

Abbey is back to normal this morning - running around barking and attacking poor Wally - so now we can get on with trying to find out what got her in the first place - it is still abit chilly here I would think all the spiders, ants, and other bugs were still in hiding somewhere.

Holy bugbites, Batman! Poor babies! I'm glad to know Abbey is feeling better.

As for the Labradork........OMG!!!!!!! I have one of those! She's a great dog (now), but sometimes I gotta wonder which half of the brain is still kicking!

Thanks for sharing the pics!
I pretty much lost my mind when wegot home and let them in and they looked like that. We'd just moved here and I didn't know which vet to call. I ended up having my husband speak to the vet because I couldn't think straight. They both got bitten twice. We rushed them to the vet at 11pm, and they got steroid shots, antibiotics and Vitamin K and had to have medication for two weeks. My poor old Bloodhound developed a hole in her jowl, and had to spend a week at the vet's having the dead tissue removed three times a day. The smell of that was disgusting and more than either of us could deal with. She ended up losing the edge of her lip on one side. My Labradork has two scars on her nose, but is otherwise fine. The worst was the smell of the snake venom as their faces were draining. The closest thing to it is canned baby corn, and I can't eat them now! Our whole house smelled like it.

The blood was from the dog. The snake got away temporarily. He'd almost bitten my husband three nights before, after we'd got home late with a new truck and his dog was growling. He went over to the gate to let him know it was us, and heard a buzzing right by him. Woodrow was trying to warn him about the snake! The week after the bites was horrible. We were pretty much under siege because we knew we had a snake around the house but couldn't find him. My husband would go and check the yard with a shotgun before we let the dogs out to relieve themselves. Then we'd bring them straight back in. A week or so later my husband woke me up to tell me he'd got the snake, it was under my rabbit hutch and he shot it dead. Well 2 days later he told me he'd definitely got the one this time, again under the rabbit hutch. Three days after that he was outside early in the morning, and stepped on something that he felt move under his foot. He leapt over his dad's shoulders to get away when he saw the diamond pattern! Luckily my father in law was swift with the shovel. That snake was 6' long and approx 12" around, and the width of his fangs matched that of the dogs' wounds (almost 2" apart :|)

That's great that there's more than one Labradork fan in the world! Mine is loopy but I wouldn't trade her for the world.
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OMG -- gee welcome to life in NM LOL I hope we dont have that problem here - I really dont think we will but there is a rather large field next to the fenced in yard where the dogs are - and I know my dogs are just dumb enough to chase a snake -- the part about your dog digging up an ant hill with her face killed me -- mine do the same thing with those really big black ants - that bite like H**L so we are going to be armed with ant killer this summer

i swear these dogs are going to be the death of me --

Abbey is totally back to normal, still cant figure what got her but I will keep an eye on them as the days finally start to warm up

If you can get them snake-proofed it's well worth it. I took our 4 after the rattlesnake incident, and the two that got bitten went right up to the rattlesnakes and stuck their noses on them. The two that didn't would not have anything to do with the snakes. I took Kodiak for a refresher last week, and she broke her leash as soon as they got the snakes out. It's really helpful for warning you if there's one around too, if you see your dog avoiding an area or making a sudden change of direction.

There should be a session in Amarillo in August which is great. There's also a training center in Albuquerque that does it year round, but I don't like their method as much, in particular them shoving a bullsnake across the floor with a broom at me. There's also the rattlesnake vaccine.
Yep you can get Dex at your vets and it sure works wonders when something like this happens...its the best I keep it just for the goats but have to use it on different dritter the dogs and horses...its the best and so fast working also...its just 1 cc per 10 lbs ..and well worth the $10 I paid for the bottle...I never let it run out...We have snakes and copperheads that dont warn you here...and all types of creepy crawlies too....from scorpions to ticks...thank goodness for chickens and guinnies...they help alot with the bugs here...

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