My Quail Eggs HATCH IS DONE!! *PICS!* PG 6 & 8 & 9!!!!!:)


Earlyer this evening when i did the last post saying only one Coturnix egg pip and 1 button egg pip....

Well about 20mins after that my friend calls me and says she needed me to help her and her mom with there rabbit pen.. so i left and it took longer than i thought it would.....

So i just came back home and look in the bator and.................

2!! Coturnix eggs have just hatch AND! i got a bonus!!2 more button chicks hatch!
that makes 9 buttons for me

and Sam your right the Coturnix just started hatching and it's dark...
LOL those little guys are nocturnal I swear! Hey I hope you get a couple golden chicks...I just heard from one of my other customers and he had some goldens in his hatch!
Yes pics please lol. Do all the other coturnix eggs still show signs?
Lol i know right

i think i have one golden one so far.. it looks like a bright yellow color?

and yup all the rest of the coturnix eggs have pips
the 3rd chick just hatch and the 4th is half way out

the rest are still pipping away and there will be LOTS of pics
Yep they look yellow! I'm really happy you got one at least. They are a beautiful bird! Wow out of 15 test eggs how many made it to this final step?

Out 15 test eggs 14 made it to hatch day ( one was clear )

And 5 have hatch so far out the 14 and the rest are pipping

I can tell it'll be a LOOOONG night for you! I'm going to bed; I can't take the suspense anymore! I took my chicken eggs out of the turner. Candled and the chicks are HUGE. Trying to get the humidity up and it's only at 58%. I'm getting Charlie horses running up and down the stairs every 10 minutes LOL. I'm thrilled but scared because all 41 eggs have chicks. I don't want to jinx myself so I'll stop now.

Good luck and hoping for lots of pics in the morning!!!!


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