My rooster bit me today

My Rooster will be very defensive when I am in with then hens. He has not come at me, however I truly havent given him the opportunity. When I am in with them he is in his own area.
He's 9 to 10 months old and all he's done is bite you? After you upset a hen? And you think he's aggressive? He sounds like a keeper to me.
Sorry I can't give you any advice here. All I can say is that I have "eight" 5 week-old roos (yes, 8!) that are finding a new home A.S.A.P. I too, do not put up with aggressive animals. I have five children and will not chance it. Yours and MissPrissy's posts have helped me make up my mind on that one! Up until now, I have tossed around the thought of keeping one, but nope! They are all going!
A roo is never going to act like a hen. You have them for different reasons than the hens. You need a roo that does his job and is not overly aggressive. Sounds like this guy was defending one of his gals. I wouldn't be concerned unless he is coming at you for no reason or challenging you. I'd give this guy some more time.
Gump. Pick the best one and keep him. You'll be glad you did.

You may not be able to teach the rooster to be submissive to your kids but you can certainly teach your kids to have a healthy respect for the rooster.

Would you turn your kids out in a feild where you have a breeding stallion or a breeding bull to play with the animals? Of course not. That is exactly what a rooster is. The only difference is he comes in a smaller package but he packs the same hot blood and fire power when faced with what he perceives as a threat.

Never let a child go in with your rooster without supervision. Make the roosters domain off limits without you. Teach them how a rooster naturally protects the flock. Teach them to repsect him and you won't have near as many problems and no reason to fear a rooster.

My point I was trying to make in my earlier post is that some roosters are far more agrressive thnan others. Some are fairly docile others are mean as heck. A rooster is not just a chicken. He can and will fight to the death to protect his flock of hens. Without you having a healthy respect for him, fearing him, doing things that set him off, he can and will flog you cause lots of hurt. You have to be willing to cull from your flock as needed.

Cultivate good animal husbandry kills in yourself and your children. You will be glad you did.

Do not fear a rooster (without given cause and if you fear him get rid of him). Respect him and learn how he is hardwired to protect and serve your hen house. You'll be just fine.
So far I've had 3 roos that I've gotten rid of. The first, a beautiful bo, was mean, not only to me, but to his hens. The day he tried to kill one of his hens by pecking her savagely in the head, I shot and killed him. The second pecked me and brought blood, flogged my daughter, and brought blood on my granddaughters leg. He got shot, too. The third was killed by my neighbor's mutt dogs, but he would have been shot too. BUT, I have the most perfect rooster, Pimp Daddy. He is gentle with his hens, guards them when they're outside, gives them treats, and rounds them up to go to roost. He has NEVER tried to hurt any of us, and is very calm around us. I wish I knew what breed he is. I'd love to have some more like him...
Wow, you'd think with the amount of selection for a more 'gentle' rooster the species would be moving toward something more docile. I am sorry to hear about your injury 'Mangled' (nice nic!)

This bite is the worst 'Ros' has ever done and he got reprimanded for it. I've read Rooster Red's page before, which is where I got the instructions from on hanging him upside down. And if a bite is "not all that bad" maybe I'm overreacting? Do you think I should house him separately from the hens?

How do you prevent roos from mating in your presence? Shoo them off? Nudge with a shoe? Supersoaker?? lol

I read about twisting off the spurs. Can you clip them like a toenail? Do they bleed? Ros' are not very big yet. I've trimmed his claws before. I wondered about dulling his beak with a file or a dremmel... he sliced my poor little bantam hen's head when trying to mount her recently.

I want to ask again, should your rooster fear you to respect you? Can you be your rooster's friend?

This is Ros. His lacing isn't the best but I do like him, and get a kick out of his proud fancy regalness he exhibits. The following pic is his chick (please be a pullet!).


I'm just curious -- a few people posted in this thread that they don't want their roos to mate with hens in their (human's) presence. I realize it's not always a lovely scenario, but I'm just curious why?
If you let him mate YOUR hens the hens become HIS hens and you are no longer the top roo.

You are the leader of your flock. The roo is 2nd in command.

If he mates in your presence and you let it happen you just lowered yourself in the pecking order and he becomes the boss.

I push them off with my foot.

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