My rooster is mating rooster.

That is exactly what my Gold Sex link hens look like!! As a matter of fact, I had to put one down because she was laying her eggs internally and just never could get her laying process down right. I believe she had tumors in her oviduct. I have another Gold Sex Link, but she is more of a chestnut red/brown color. Beautiful girl.
Thanks a bunch to everyone. I suppose poor Lily will be glad we now know she is a she. LOL She has, so far, made no indication of laying, however. Hope it is just that she is starting later than the others. Yes, I suppose a rooster would know more than I about the sex of his girls.
He should be quite happy. If Fluff (my bigger combed white leghorn) truly is female, too, it is just Sigmund with his 7 hens. THAT I can handle!!!

The chestnut color MissChessy mentions is what I had seen as a reference pic for all the hens when I was trying to figure out Lily's gender which is why I assumed, with his lighter color and lots of white (and how yellow he was as a chick), he just HAD to be a boy, even if he LOOKED like a girl. In this case, I certainly don't mind being wrong!!!
I might actually go out on a limb and say that Fluff is a girl too...

This is Jerry Remy...he's between 4 and 5 months old in this picture.You can see his hackles and his saddle feathers and he was just getting his sickles too.

Thanks, SpottedCrow....I really hope you are right. I am going to put a pic of Fluff and Puff in this post together for comparison, if anyone else wants to guess about it? However, as was shown earlier by lurky, even two girls can be totally different. Sooooooooo...........
But anyway, here they are. Pics were taken at the same time, chicks hatched the same day.

Oh I do hope so!!!!! WOW....that boy certainly does have a large comb. I knew they were supposed to have big combs, but Puff's is so tiny, and and she has been laying pretty much every day for about 3 weeks. And we KNOW her eggs, they are quite odd looking. Hers are slightly lopsided with what we call her "Puff mark"......a funny little swirly circle at the top (over to the little lop side). I think she has missed one day, possibly two, if I recall correctly, since she started. So, do you think her comb will just stay tiny for some reason?
YAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy!!!! Now, when everyone starts laying dependably (when all this cold and snow is gone) I should be getting plenty of eggs!!! And I am sure sigmund is so happy (with the mean rooster gone) to be the only man around! But then, I guess he knew that already!!! LOL
Certainly not a chicken expert, but we have a hen that looks exactly like your Ron/Lilly (ours is named Blaze) and she is a sweet hen and a very reliable layer of large brown eggs. We also have a white leghorn like your Fluff (ours is Lucky) and she had a comb larger than our other girls in the beginning and now it has flopped over it is so big. She is also a great layer. These two were the first layers in our little flock and continue to be the most regular.

Congrats on your "new" hens!!

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