My rooster is missing a claw!


7 Years
Aug 19, 2012
Ringerike, Norway
I have three roosters in my flock. They're 10 months old now, peaceful and never fighting at all. They are freerange during the day, and staying in a double horse-stall at night. None of them has showed any symptoms of diseases, but earlier today I noticed that one of our roosters is missing a claw on his middle/longest toe. I'm not talking about his spur. I picked him up and could confirm that he had no claw on this toe. There was no wound or blood either, and didnt look infected at all. Perhaps a bit more round at the tip than the other clawed toes.

Any experiences or input on this? I would think that I'd noticed if he was missing a claw from the beginning... Is there any disease where claws falling off is one of the symptoms?
Was able to get a photo of my roosters feet. On some of the toes his nails are very short, but not missing.

I think his toes look lumpy and weird compared to the other roosters. He doesn't limp or show any signs of being uncomfortable though.
Hello everyone, thanks for the warm welcome my name is Michael. My flock will have 15 sexlinks (gold stars) and 10 orpingtons all hens. I read that these are compatible breeds together any one have any feed back?

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