My son was right! Scary!!

x 10000000 you guys are scareing me!
If you want some piece of mind contact Ghost Hunters. they will come out and do an investigationa dn tell you all about their findings. I know I might sound like a lunatic right just try it what have you got to lose??
Ema you got me thinking,, why would you think you sound like a lunatic? Why do we apologize when we have feelings or beliefs that are different or not mainstream? I don't apologize.
I believe their is life in this universe that we don't know about, I believe that there are beings on different planes, that there are spirits we can see and talk to if we believe in them, I have an open mind towards these things and I think the human race is pretty darn cocky in thinking they are the only ones out there and they are the superior intelligence among all living things.
no, i think that contacting ghosthunters would make you a lunatic. The televised aspect of their whole investigative process caters to false 'spooks' and i would never let a bunch of tv wierdos in my house... likely there is a local ghost-hunter type group who'd be thrilled to come out and evp and video etc. I'm fine with that, I just don't trust those plumbers!
chickensducks&agoose :

no, i think that contacting ghosthunters would make you a lunatic. The televised aspect of their whole investigative process caters to false 'spooks' and i would never let a bunch of tv wierdos in my house... likely there is a local ghost-hunter type group who'd be thrilled to come out and evp and video etc. I'm fine with that, I just don't trust those plumbers!

LOL...I am very open minded. I apologise for anyone who might take offend to my post if at all. But would I invite them into my homeif I had such an issue and it was scaring my chiclden/family?? sure if it could potentially help. Would I make it known it was all a fake if I were to find out it was...ABSOLUTELY!!! like anyone else, I don't like to be duped!! It was just an​
I sure havent taken offense and you do NOT sound like a lunatic. As far as ghost hunters, it wouldnt have to be the famous ones on TV. There are tons of groups out there. Just do your research first.
I also believe that the human race isnt the begin and end all. I think we only know a small piece of what is REALLY out there.
The deep cut and what looked like a large bite mark on my leg are finally healing, though the cut still will break open and bleed a little. Demonic? I honestly dont know.
SarahFair, how goes the door incidents??
Ema I didn't take offense at what you said and didn't intimate it either. What I was doing was wondering or asking, why people feel the need to apologize for believing in the supernatural anything else not mainstream.
I know you didn't take offense I was merely stating that for anyone out there who might... lol... trust me when I say that I am always super open minded to a lot of things. and I am a firm believer that everything we can see isn't eventhe beginning of we can come to understand about life in general. I deal with closed minded people every single day, and one thing I teach my kids is that just because you may not believe in it or see it it does not mean it doesn't exist. Itis why I teach my children to appreciate everything and everyone, no matter how different their beliefs or way of life and sometimes even how ridiculous. So far I think I am doing a very good job in teaching my children that. :)
for open minded people!!!!
If I lived closer to Sarah, I'd just go and check the house out myself. Not that I LIKE making contact with the nastier spirits, it's just that I can sense them. What I would do Sarah, first and foremost, is do some research. Hit your local library and find out just what the land your house is sitting on was originally used for. You might discover that there were tribes of Indians in your area 600 years ago. Ok, then find out WHAT TRIBES. Some tribes are more brutal than others, and could leave behind negative energy, or, worse, the land you are on could be Indian burial ground. Not a good thing, but not the end of the world either. There could have been troops that passed through the area and walked right over the land where your house now stands. Injured men could have died where they fell in battle, but you'll never know unless you research. I've done some research online about my own town, and I've found out some interesting, yes mostly dull history. My town didn't begin to liven up until around the 20's, when the mob used to use the local area as a dumping ground for the people that crossed them. From what I've heard, bodies could commonly be found strewn up and down Rt. 41, in the ditches, on the side of the road, BURIED, etc. And that's not including the activity that took place in my actual town. I've heard the stories of a mobster by the name of Magnum Dan that was a hitman. I don't know if he worked exactly for Capone, but it's generally implied that he did. Well, Dan owned a house here in town. It's two doors down from me. In the backyard stands a dilapidated shed that has been there since Dan was alive and kicking. I even heard that he built it himself. Anyway, Dan used to bring people that crossed his boss all the way out here, bring them into the shed, and execute them. One shot to the head. Then dump the bodies. Well, Magnum Dan still haunts my town. Apparently he isn't too fond of kids, because when kids ride past the house, he has been known to manifest and push the kids off their bikes. My younger DD was riding past that house one day with her sister and a friend, when she saw a figure out of the corner of her eye, on her right. Next thing she knew, she felt hands on her, and she was airborne. She landed on the asphault and tore up her knee and elbow. She was furious and started yelling at the ghost, lol. He has pushed my older DD too, but he wasn't able to knock her off her bike. I've felt his presence, and it seems like he likes to stand at the front of his property, watching. I can't locate a Magnum Dan on the internet, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he doesn't exist, it could just mean that the stories aren't 100% accurate. Heaven knows that stories get warped and changed as they pass down through the generations. But we apparently had A LOT of mob activity here. There are stories of underground tunnels, hidden money, hidden caches of bootleg liquor, gold, dead bodies, etc. I take everything I hear with a grain of salt. I like to research and verify things first.

There is a building not too far from here. In fact you can google it. It's called Mudlavia. I was told that it had been a spa, and then a mental hospital, and that it was haunted. The building burned down many years ago but people go there all the time ghost hunting. So of course we went too.
We were careful walking around since I don't trust the floors, or the mold content (I sneeze like mad when I get out of there), and we step lightly so as not to raise dust. The first time I went in, I deliberately did not research it before I went. I just went in with an open mind. Being empathic has it's pluses, and it has it's minuses, that's for sure! Walking in on the first floor I didn't really feel too much. It did feel like perhaps there was a presence or two, but I had 4 other people with me, so it was a little harder to pick up on anything other than their excitement and curiosity, lol. But when we climbed that staircase, man, it was like getting hit with a bucket of cold water, BAM! Right in the face! I was flooded with emotions and sensations, and I had to sort through them. As I processed each new sensation, I began to understand that what I was picking up on were the emotions of all the teenagers that had gone up there for years and years and partied, and done drugs, and fooled around, etc. There was anger, excitement, pain, pleasure, drunkenness, basically any emotion you could think of. I wasn't able to sort through that to find any underlying energies at that time. A year later I went back with my friend, the one that likes ghost hunting and buying haunted items off e-bay, and it was just the two of us. She is a very calm person, hardly anything really will ruffle her feathers, so I knew that I wouldn't confuse her emotions with anything else. Again on the 1st floor I got the sensation of being watched. I got it again on the 2nd floor too. Of course we had our cameras with us, and we took pictures to review later that day. We spent a couple of hours walking through the entire place before leaving and crossing the street to look for the cartakers house that we had heard was over there, hidden in the brush. We found it, and we looked inside the tiny house, and all around it. There was a silo behind it, and I got the most awful feeling when we looked inside it. Something lunged at us, all teeth and snarling, and she snapped a picture that lit up the entire inside of the silo, and there was NOTHING in there. Scared the heck out of both of us. Next to the house was the remains of what we assume was a very large garage, made of stone. Like the huge ones found on farms that hold tractors and other large machinery. The roof is long gone, as are all the doors, but the walls still stand. We both were taking pictures as we walked around it, and then entered it. I caught something on my camera that could only be describes as being Sasquatch is appearance, only it wasn't solid, and it seemed to be following us. Was an interesting afternoon, to say the least. I did look up Hotel Mudlavia after my first visit, and I was a little disappointed to learn that it had served as a hotel, and then later as a rest home, not as the mental hospital that I had originally been told it was. But there are definitely energies there. In case anyone is interested in Mudlavia, here are some links. And I'll gladly take you on a tour once my back and leg heal!

On that last link you have to scroll about halfway down the page before you get to their experiences at Mudlavia. I can tell you from my own personal experiences, and being as sensitive as I am to ghosts and spirits, that I did NOT see blood on the walls or the floors. Sure, there were a lack of birds, but I saw squirrels in the trees, and there were plenty of insects all around the outside. Oddly enough though, now that I think about it, there wasn't so much as a fly inside though, despite the missing roof in some parts, and all the missing windows. But that could be because there's no food in there. I did not sense evil exactly. Perhaps a malevolent spirit or two, but nothing downright evil. Heck, go there yourself and check it out. If anyone wants to see pics from Mudlavia, let me know, I'll post them.

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