My sweet little Daisy has a sore leg :(


9 Years
Jun 28, 2012
New-Brunswick, Canada
Yesterday, my husband found Daisy, the only tame one in my flock, hobbling on one leg. I know our rooster is picking on her, he chases her around their outside pen until she returns inside so she hangs around inside the coop a lot. We suspect she may have hurt it jumping or she may have slipped when he chased her up the ramp into the coop. I immediately isolated her. My husband carried her around today to try to lift her spirits. She's eating and drinking. She is just holding her right leg up... her foot looks fine (same as the other one). What can we give chickens for pain and inflammation, does anyone know?
Aspirin 325 mg/gal of water. I hope she recovers soon. Good luck.
Thank you Flock Mistress. I have 81 mg tablets so will mix one tablet in a quart or half of one in a pint since she can't drink that much water in the next few days. She laid an egg yesterday and is eating/drinking and pooping fine. I pray it's just a sprain and she'll be walking on two feet again soon. She is such a doll, loves to sit on my lap and loves to be petted. Of the dozen chickens I have she is the only one I can touch who does not object with loud shrieks lol...

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