My weightloss journey



Free Ranging
6 Years
May 11, 2018
Northwest Indiana
I started Atkins right before I bought my wedding dress because I know I cant gain weight once I purchase it. I found my dream dress but found out something I didnt want to hear...I'm a size 22. I dont see it when I look at myself in a mirror. I see the beautiful woman that I am and not the weight. Ive been on Atkins for a week and a half now and today I found a lone french fry in my lunch bag and I gobbled it up like a rat. I realize that to maximize my weight loss I have to exercise as well. Sure, ive been walking the dog a mile every other day but I need more. I used to be part of a gym but ultimately I ended up feeling bad about myself (long story in relation to someone complaining about me and the "dress code") and quitting. Every workout Ive ever done I quit because it felt like torture. I'd love to try an elliptical but the machines were always tied up at the gym so I never got the chance. I liked biking though. I cant ride a bike though. I was traumatized at a young age (again long story involving a bad accident). My fiancee said hed buy me a bike if I'd learn to ride it but he wont allow training wheels. He also would rather I lift weights on our weight bench or go running. I hate running though. I know I just need to find a workout that works for me. He's against the extra equipment but I think if he gets to have a weight bench I get to have an exercise bike. Anything that gets me moving is better than not moving. I'll share my progress if anyone is interested. Any thoughts or your own journeys would be supportive.
Can you set up a free account with myfitnesspal . Com and start entering EVERYThing you eat each day?
Can you set up a free account with myfitnesspal . Com and start entering EVERYThing you eat each day?
I am one of those weird people that doesnt trust those types of devices. I also tried the meal tracker thing years ago and I couldnt stick to it. It was too much hassle. I find that counting my carbs is easier than my calories and met with far less guilt. My future brother in law had success on Atkins so thats my pursuit. I tried simply fasting and I was so hungry I cheated on the second day. I find that I dont miss bread...i miss rice. I also miss french fries and potato chips.
I am one of those weird people that doesnt trust those types of devices. I also tried the meal tracker thing years ago and I couldnt stick to it. It was too much hassle. I find that counting my carbs is easier than my calories and met with far less guilt. My future brother in law had success on Atkins so thats my pursuit. I tried simply fasting and I was so hungry I cheated on the second day. I find that I dont miss bread...i miss rice. I also miss french fries and potato chips.
You have to focus on moving more.
I don't believe a gym membership will make anyone move more.

Force yourself daily for a week or move more.
The more you do it the quicker it will become habit.
The more you do it the easier it will become.

You must move more to lose weight.
I highly recommend getting a Fitbit.
It will show you how little/much you move.
Carb Manager also tracks macros.
Kiki is right. Move. Doesn’t need to be fancy, just elevate your heart rate and start with 5 minutes. Add a minute each week.
I don’t believe in ‘what you put in, you put on’. Eating the right stuff, at the right time is key.
PS. Drink water. The Atkins/keto way of life can be hard on kidneys. Good multivitamin, and lots of water
Carb Manager also tracks macros.
Kiki is right. Move. Doesn’t need to be fancy, just elevate your heart rate and start with 5 minutes. Add a minute each week.
I don’t believe in ‘what you put in, you put on’. Eating the right stuff, at the right time is key.
I walk a 15 minute mile with the dog every other day. I agree I need to move more. Thats why I want a exercise bike. Something low impact I can do in the morning while I watch the news. That way I can keep my daily schedule but add in fitness that I actually like
PS. Drink water. The Atkins/keto way of life can be hard on kidneys. Good multivitamin, and lots of water
Ive felt it. Also my breath is horrible. Im trying to drink more water. I have a water glass I drink from each day that contains about 20 oz of water. I only drink 3 or 4 worth. I need to make an effort to drink more than that

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