Mysterious deaths

Well, just an update...I went out the morning before last and caught my 4 chicks that are left and brought them back inside. I havent seen any critters anywhere on them and no worms in their poop. Still unsure what could've caused them to die but thank God they are not still dying! I feel so bad for my babies that I lost :0( RIP little chickies.

Sassy, Im so glad to hear that you havent lost anymore either! RIP to your chickens, too.
Hi there everyone. I started reading this thread and I think I might have already found my problem
I came home to find one of my Dels lying on the ground dead, She was literally all feathers. they have been outside with no roost all summer, so this weekend we will be moving some stuff around and they should get their roost back. Hopefully that was the only problem. what kind of parasite should I be looking for? internal or external

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