Mystery Deaths


In the Brooder
Nov 23, 2022
Sooooo I understand losing chickens happens... but ever hear the saying once is an accident, two is a coincidence, three is a pattern?

I had TWO poultry deaths in flock of about 70 this week. I mysteriously found a pullet dead who was nearly laying. She was dead inside the coop... no blood, no nothing. My best guess is someone jumped off the roost in the jump on top of her. She IS on the smaller side (Barnevelder) and she was in there with some bigger chickens. We lock everyone up at night and in the morning I noticed she was missing... looked in the coop and she was dead as a doornail. She WAS more on the "frail" side, breed wise... you could just tell from the way she didn't put on weight well and didn't seem to thrive as well as the other chicks I raised her with.

My SECOND incident occurred this morning when I found a dead (Cornish Cross) chick kept in an entirely different area in the brooder... I'll be honest. I'm NOT the best with biosecurity. I have lots of small people and it's nearly impossible to prevent them carrying their favorites around. The chick also had no signs of anything wrong with it... just dead as a doornail.

No one in any of my flocks is showing signs of disease. Should I just chalk this up to coincidence??? Or consider we might have Coccidiosis?

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