Mystery chicks


May 20, 2015
This is my first time raising chicks, I have two silver laced Wyandotte hens but I bought them already laying and wanted to add to my flock by getting some bantams. So I picked up 6 bantam chicks from Tractor Supply and can't figure out what breeds I have, doing research has kind of narrowed it down but help from BYC would be great.
This little guy I know for sure is a roo, the comb and wattles, plus he is already trying to crow.


This little one I'm pretty sure is a hen, I have two the same patterning and he already has a comb so I know this one pictured is a hen, but not sure if she is a silver laced Wyandotte or a Sebright.

I'm thinking Easter egger or Ameraucana, again got a pair and the other already has a comb and displaying roo tendencies.

Now this one has me truly stumped. It has 5 toes like a silkie, but doesn't have black skin, and it has really long feathers on its feet. I'm also really unsure whether it's a roo or a hen mainly because of how big it really is, it's bigger then the black roo but isn't trying to crow or anything. I know Tractor Supply could have screwed up and threw a regular chick in with all the other bantams. But I just don't know.


So any help would be great, if I didn't say before they are all 7 weeks old and I'm assuming all are bantams.
1st chick: Probably a Black Old English Game bantam
2nd chick: Silver Sebright
3rd chick: Silver Duckwing Old English Game bantam
4th chick: White Sultan

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