Mystery Sex Barred Rock?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Aug 19, 2010
Phenix City
I have had so many people say one way or another...rooster or hen. I'm no closer myself after all the back and forth. One thing is certain though, she (or he) has a personality that defies all I have seen. Totally freaked out. All my others just mill about when I open the cage; she (or he) goes absolutely INSANE.

Almost five weeks old. What do you think guys, boy or girl?


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Thank you guys, I know this is a repost but my daughter is getting attached to all the birds and I need to get rid of any extra males before it gets too painful for her to see them go. She has named all of them. *sigh*
if it was a roo it would have a comb that was more red I have a BR that is 3 weeks old and is already showing red so looks like pullett to me!!

and here is his sister same age just a day or 2 apart AND look at the difference in their leg coloring the pullett is darker in legs

hope this helps you!
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afishel, that first one is not a BR. Looks like what you get when you cross a Buff Orp with a BR.

The first one is a pullet. Yes, her head spot is extra big, but the plumage color and the leg color and the small comb at five weeks indicate pullet.
Thank you EVERYBODY! I feel much better now.
I just didn't want her to get attached even more to this firecracker of a chicken that was obviously male to everybody who knows how to tell. I'll leave you guys alone for a while. I have a chicken tractor to build. Need to go scavenge for scrap lumber!
pretty sure that is a pullet, looks just like my Joon at that age. She had a pretty big comb for her age too
like a kid with the biggest feet or ears in the class haha

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