Nabiki's SSC hatch

I went to bed, but there was an explosion while I slept! 25 hatched, and two more are zipping now. My phone is charging, so I'll have to get pictures later.
Yes, it is. I was thinking that I would be happy if I got 30 chicks out of this batch. I have a couple that might need shoes, but none so bad that I think they'll need to be culled.
They will straighten out on their
Give them a day or two.
Do you have extra grippy that you can use for a day in the brooder?
Do you have extra grippy that you can use for a day in the brooder?
I just have paper towels. I really should buy some of the grippy stuff since I'm hatching regularly. I didn't know I was going to get this involved when I started. I thought I was going to hatch a batch, eat most of the eggs, then maybe hatch one or two batches a year.

I was very, very wrong.

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