Naked Neck crosses?


13 Years
Apr 1, 2011
Southern Maine
Ok, so I bought some mixed eggs off of someone and hatched about 90% of them.
Hens were: purebred Golden laced wyandotte, Dixie rainbow, Buff brahma, Golden comet, Speckled sussex, Buff orpington, Rhode island red, Barred plymouth rock, Ameraucana(blue egg layers), and Turken(naked neck).

Roos were: purebred English game bantam, Barred plymouth rock, & Silkie showgirl

I got mostly barred rocks (or at least most feathered out like barred rocks). I have 1 that hatched with a naked neck, but the rest hatched looking normal.

My question is, now that they have most of their feathers, I've noticed a few have bald spots on their necks. Is it possible that they are simply a mix of the naked neck and will have bald spots there forever? Or is something else going on here? (I have not wormed or sprayed them as I generally wait until they are mature)

looks like you may have lice on them therer babies or the area they are in is way to small for them and they are pecking the feathers off of one another
But that's the thing, they are in a new coop as I didn't want them overcrowded in the brooder. The coop was sprayed (as usual) for lice once it was cleaned, plus it was left empty for about 3 months before I moved these guys in. And it definitely isn't pecking, they simply don't have feathers there (the skin showing is smooth, no pin feather marks or pecking marks)

That's why I'm thinking they may have some naked neck in them, but not enough for them to be completely bald necked? Does that make sense and is that possible?
I only see one naked neck in the first pic, the others just look to be feathering in slower.

Chickens can have 1 or 2 copies of the NN gene, but they will still be Naked Neck.

Chicken with 2 doses, very small or no bowtie

Chicken with 1 dose, thse birds usually have a large bowtie
keep a close eye on them i had some look like just to have them die and when 2 others started looking like they did i did a very very good check and found lice

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