Naked Neck/Turken Thread

These are my turkens. Can anyone tell me what my roo will look like when he is older? The next two pics are him.

Maybe something like this: , this one was sort of like yours at that age. Mine is a Salmon color.

Yours is showing some kind of lacing or something around the saddle area though that mine didn't have.
Whatever color he is gonna be very handsome.
Wow, they grow so fast, though Rudy does look smaller than the others, or is he just younger?
Also what are the dark marks on him in the last pic?

He is a bit smaller then his hatchmates, there were a few of them in his size range, one got taken by a preditor, the others are still there. He was quite a bit darker fm on hatch, but has lightened up quite a bit and developed those freckles.
Sorry if this is a stupid question but what happened to Rudy????
No problem I get that a lot, as Draye said he has a double dose of the scaleless gene so has no feather follicles, no scales. He is completely natural, it is a completely natural genetic makeup, he can not grow feathers.

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