Naked Neck/Turken Thread

My little naked neck bantam
Aniya, she always comes up to people to sit on their laps or shoulders when we have guests in the backyard. Kind of annoying sometimes but I love her to bits.

Oh my! She is precious! I want to come visit just so she'll sit on my lap!
Okay...I admit it....I've been eavesdropping on your conversation.
I sort of live in between you guys. Right now I'm in no position to take on that many more chicks, but I'd be willing to consider splitting an S & G order with the two of you somewhere down the line. Since my NNs are my meat breed, if I don't get the kind of results I'm looking for then adding this bloodline may be my best option. Just something to chew on and keep in the backs of our minds.

Chew... chew... chew.... ;)

That's mighty generous of you and could be fun... except for the drive back home LOL (in my case, have severe issues with chick dander)
All the nakeds have new sweaters on tonight. Rudy was wearing it like a boss, Phyllis was throwing a temper tantrum, Houdini was already trying to figure a way out of it, and Stripey butt was just interested in going back to the food.

(over nights are going to be in the 30's starting tonight for a few nights)

Their temper tantrums are just so hilarious isn't it? Getting close to closing down the nudist camp here too.. days very nice, expected high 30s for a few nights then back to the 40's.
OK, took a look today before it got dark (happens so fast this time of year!!!!!) That one WAS yellow downed as a chick. The other one was back downed (and has black legs as well - this one has white legs).

This is him at 3 weeks:

And then at 8 weeks:

BTW, the partridge has barring, no chevron that I can tell.

(I'm starting to really like that S&G idea...)

- Ant Farm

He definitely is wheaten, his adult coloring is due to melanizing genes- same general sort of stuff that makes RIR dark. Probably at least Mahogany gene...
I recently went to the local dog pound to hire a possum trap and came out adopting a lovely NN hen! She was found running down a local street and brought in.

She is currently extremely afraid of humans and most things. She spends most of her day perched in a tree. Does anyone have experience of taming NN birds and have any tips to pass on?

Congrats on being blessed! ;)

She probably is mixed with something 'nervous/flighty' and raised hands off.

I think it's pretty much a matter of time plus food. Not giving free choice feed helps also giving extra yummy treats. If you're giving free choice feed, that's allright for now.. she needs less stress as possible.

If there are other hens bossing her around, that can keep a shy one aloof for a little while longer.

Sometimes a wild chick suddenly calms down once they start laying.
Ruby: I originally thought this was a pullet, but now I'm not too sure.

I'm a little disappointed in overall growth rates compared to their parents, but there are a few relatively promising birds in this flock. And a lot of pretty ones! (In my humble opinion.)

Beautiful chicks, I'm liking Zazzle in particular, his color and seems to have the heavy type I like.

I'm guessing Ruby and the other chipmunk are boys... see the solid colored and dark feathers coming on the wing bow area and up closer to the shoulder(anatomically the elbow area)? those probably are rooster feathers coming in.

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