Naked Neck/Turken Thread


The Naked Neck I got from @BlueBaby is still bigger the the White Rocks. It won't fly up to roost when the others do, just cries until the other naked neck comes down and goes in the brooder box with the little chicks! IMG_4911.JPG
All of my NN's over here from that batch are bigger than those 2 White Rock's that I got from you.
One reason I got the rocks was to see how large they get, & how fast. I like to be able compare side-by-side & see for myself. The Rocks are probably the best pure-bred meat bird from Ideal. I ordered pullets, and I think the NN I got from you is also a pullet. Males would be bigger, faster.
Ooh, pretty colors. I'll have to see I'd I can get pictures if some I saw at the fair today. I want to maybe recreate their coloring if they end up keeping those particular birds
I suspect the colors are from the Silver Grey Dorking grandparent. With a Red Dorking cockerel, if this one is a hen, I might hope for sex-linked chicks. :fl
Hi! I love Naked Necks!
i have black, splash, blue bantam Naked Necks:


blue Frizzle bantam Naked Necks:

blue silkie feathered bantam Naked Necks:

Blue, splash Frizzle LF Naked Neck green-eggers:

blue, black melanotic LF Naked Necks:

Blue Naked Neck Giants:

And hatching in a week or so --- my first Cuckoo and blue Cuckoo LF Naked Neck green-eggers!

Yes, I love Naked Necks!

Did you cross Jersey Giants with Naked Necks?
Just curious. When I was in Australia, all the Naked Necks were very large and the all laid beautiful eggs that were pastel colored. Lots were blue, green, pink, peach, and lavender.
Here, with the exception of one lady, everyone with Naked Necks gets brown eggs. Have you had any chickens, even crosses, that lay colored eggs?
One reason I got the rocks was to see how large they get, & how fast. I like to be able compare side-by-side & see for myself. The Rocks are probably the best pure-bred meat bird from Ideal. I ordered pullets, and I think the NN I got from you is also a pullet. Males would be bigger, faster.

I'm hoping that the 2 White Rock's that I got from you won't go broody after they start laying egg's.

@DrumstickRanchTex I have NN's that lay green egg's, from breeding a blue egg laying Crested Cream Legbar hen to a Naked Neck Rooster. The result was a bigger sized egg than what the mother laid.

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