Naked Neck/Turken Thread

buff barred. did you not show her tail on purpose? ;)

did not even noticed when I took the pic, I bought her as a day old chick and she was white but now turned this way.'

and now I want to continue that color, she's got black tips on her tail and her wings too.

should I use a Buff rooster over her or barred?
Kev My avatar is the one I kept along with the rumpless black one Although after listening to you I doubt if she's black.

I forgot my comments re: the black?

The white bird- since there was a white NN, it's extremely likely that non NN is out of not pure NN breeding.

If both parents are not pure for NN then 1 out of 4 chicks will be non-NN. From your hatch, it sounds about right- one out of 6.

Cornish rock crosses are way big/heavy, easily twice her size even at that age. Think Shetland pony vs Clydesdale.
did not even noticed when I took the pic, I bought her as a day old chick and she was white but now turned this way.'

and now I want to continue that color, she's got black tips on her tail and her wings too.

should I use a Buff rooster over her or barred?

Awesome find! if your goal is solid buff(no black) definitely breed with a pure buff bird. breeding to a barred will give lots of problems and really set back a solid buff with barring project back several generations. Her having limited black means she already has some of the genes necessary to get rid of black so I imagine getting solid buffs might be possible in the first cross, definitely by second generation cross to a solid buff.

be aware that buff roo and this hen will only give barred boys.

if you like the black on tail, that will be quite easy, just breed with any buff with a black tail.
Sounds good!! :) Does that mean you have your bathroom back?

Not till this batch goes out but I do get my shower back though. I had a almost drowning of my golden seabright yesterday but I did mouth to beak and she is good as new but will be in the heated bathroom till it is nice again outside. I am going to post some pictures of my NN if this computer works for me.
Ok here are some pictures of my babies.
This is Jupiter when she was a chick

Jupiter now

Jupiter in the sun

Spawn of Jupiter. I like the little bites of buff under her eyes and on her neck. She has yet to have a name.

Martha getting all flushed.

Spawn of Martha (the dad is an Ameraucana)

This is a chick picture of the other spawn of Martha.

I have another baby black Jupiter but no good picture.
Not till this batch goes out but I do get my shower back though. I had a almost drowning of my golden seabright yesterday but I did mouth to beak and she is good as new but will be in the heated bathroom till it is nice again outside. I am going to post some pictures of my NN if this computer works for me.

Having the shower is good!!! Wow! mouth to beak!
I am very glad your seabright made it! What a good chickie mommy!

I love all your chickens! Jupiter is especially pretty!
Ok here are some pictures of my babies.
This is Jupiter when she was a chick

Jupiter now

Jupiter in the sun

Spawn of Jupiter. I like the little bites of buff under her eyes and on her neck. She has yet to have a name.

Martha getting all flushed.

Spawn of Martha (the dad is an Ameraucana)

This is a chick picture of the other spawn of Martha.

I have another baby black Jupiter but no good picture.
Jupiter and Martha are females????????????????? I am so confused
Just how do you sex them short of crow or egg??
Jupiter and Martha are females????????????????? I am so confused
Just how do you sex them short of crow or egg??

I know what you mean! Combs and wattles on both sexes gets confusing! I am going through the same thing with my showgirls, I wish I could tell what they are now. They are five weeks old and I have no clue. All but one acts like a boy. They all have small wattles, but both genders get them.
From the chicks I got from Nava (keep in mind that the order was split amongst three of us) I didn't get any blue hens. I've kept 1 blue cockerel with black legs, 1 black hen with black legs, and three splash hens, one has green legs and two have very light grey legs.

I really didn't want one more roo, but darn it! I'm determined to get a blue hen!! I know I have a while, but is my best bet breeding the blue roo to the black hen? What do I get if I pair him with the splash? Also, if I breed to the green legs will I most likely get green legs? I'd rather not have green l'eggers :lol:

Finally, when does all this madness end?!!???!

Kaussandra, I was going to guess that you have a LOT of boys...but after seeing Alyce birdbrain's pictures I don't know what to tell you.

Alice bb, I absolutely love Jupiter. :love

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