Name 3 Things You Did Or Will Do Today - 2024

I'm babysitting my grandson for the weekend. And my grand bird. šŸ˜
So - I'll have to follow a Play-it-by-ear list.
For sure, I will:
Change a diaper
Give a bath
Play outside

Here's a funny, though: My grand bird is a 50 year old rescue (her owner died). I had to alert my neighbors that if they heard a woman yelling "Help!" from my house - there is no emergency. I'm bird-sitting šŸ˜
Today I will:
Go grocery shopping (this might get put off until tomorrow...?)
Cook something
Bake something too?
Work out
Debug asparagus
Plant the over abundance of luffas that sprouted
Water everything if it doesn't rain
Water everything before it rains, to encourage Mother Nature to do her part

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