NE Oklahoma Chicken Stock - Let's Plan!

Good job on the flyer Allbreeds! Love it!

If I understand correctly, then, the dishes for tasting can be in a regular dish - whatever we usually make it in, then people will sample it from there? With fresh spoons or sporks, I presume? May I ask how we can ensure that the spoons used to scoop out the samples haven't been used before or licked by the person doing the scooping? I'm having thoughts of double-dipping in mind, so I'm hoping someone can clarify for me so I have a better understanding. I'm sure what I'm thinking is way off... lol ......

Allbreeds - with your permission, I'd like to add that flyer to the NEOCS Facebook page. If your'e not already a member there, there is a link to it in my signature.
Yes you may definately add it to your FB page.

No double dipping!! As each person pays I will give them a tray, spork and napkin. Then they go to each persons booth and you dip out a portion into their tray Folks would need to bring a serving spoon or fork or whatever to serve folks. But no, there would not be any double dipping.

Here is how I am thinking of working it. As each person pays the $3.00 for a tasting kit, I will put a yellow wristband on them and give them 1 ticket, along with the tasting kit. Wristbands are so WE know who has paid. if someone just has a tray and no wristband, they do not get a sample. Folks will hold on to their ticket until they have sampled everything they want to sample and will give their ticket to the egg dish they like the best. I can then collect all the tickets from each individual dish that is entered and whoever has the most tickets wins the contest, the trophy and the entry fees that folks paid. So there is a CASH prize.
I see. How would it work for folks like me who will have a bird selling pen and also want to enter a dish into the taste testing contest? Since there is only myself to man the bird pen, I wouldn't be able to dish out samples as well. If it's workable to do both, I would like to enter my creme brulee.
I see. How would it work for folks like me who will have a bird selling pen and also want to enter a dish into the taste testing contest? Since there is only myself to man the bird pen, I wouldn't be able to dish out samples as well. If it's workable to do both, I would like to enter my creme brulee.

I am thinking of doing a couple of my booths as a serving area, as well as if s folks want to serve at their own booth. I will have an extra kid and Mother in Law to dish and serve as well. I would like for everyone to be able to do it at their own booths that way traffic will go to each booth to get samples and while they are there they can look at what everyone has to offer. It will get people to roam a little more.
The only problem I see with doing it that way is that it's likely that not all the dishes will be sampled. It would be like a scavenger hunt for those who want to sample the food by having folks go all over the barn. I understand that it would be a way to get folks around to see things but, I'm not sure folks would want to sample food that's at the pen with the chickens. I would think twice about it, myself. It's just my opinion, but I think there would be better participation if all the food was in one area. Just an idea.
Food defiantly needs to be in a separate area from birds. Missouri is already reporting illness spread from baby chicks purchased at feed stores this season.
Remember Walmart use to sell birds? They stopped since birds & human food shouldn't be in close proximity.
I know I LOVE the food & wine festival at Disney world. Nothing is better than going around Epcot all day from booth to booth trying something new, so I do understand the desire to walk & mingle. Plus food spread out helps with crowd control. But at a chicken swap food should be separate area away from all birds.
Food defiantly needs to be in a separate area from birds. Missouri is already reporting illness spread from baby chicks purchased at feed stores this season.
Remember Walmart use to sell birds? They stopped since birds & human food shouldn't be in close proximity.
I know I LOVE the food & wine festival at Disney world. Nothing is better than going around Epcot all day from booth to booth trying something new, so I do understand the desire to walk & mingle. Plus food spread out helps with crowd control. But at a chicken swap food should be separate area away from all birds.


What if we use the purple spaces in the back row for distributing the food? People would pass by the back of each of these spaces to get their samples. All the food would be in one place and the area is open to the grass, so this spot has the least amount of dust. I'd suggest not putting anyone with food in 166, 167, 168 or 177, 178, and 179. This gives us three spaces with no birds on either side of our food distribution. Maybe we can have volunteers distribute food for those who can't leave their spaces.
I am working on a new recipe for the egg recipe contest. Is it $3 per recipe or per person up to (I forget how many recipes). I probably won't enter more then 2 anyway (and most likely only one) just b/c of time and organization. (or lack there of)
I am working on a new recipe for the egg recipe contest. Is it $3 per recipe or per person up to (I forget how many recipes). I probably won't enter more then 2 anyway (and most likely only one) just b/c of time and organization. (or lack there of)
Check with Allbreeds to be sure, but I think it is $3.00 per item entered. I'm entering German Pancakes (with strawberries and powdered sugar) and a tasty fritatta recipe, so when I pay my entry fees I'm expecting to pay $6.00. Lisa, if I've got it wrong, please let me know. Thanks!

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