Neck deformity


May 15, 2011
Eastern Kentucky
Hey all, Hopefully someone will be able to provide me some information as I'm stuck here.

My 5 week old Rooster was brought home with 5 other hens (when they were only a few days old) and did great until last week. I came out one day and he was in the brooder with his head on the ground, rear end in the air and beak facing up! The hens were totally walking on his face and he was very stressed, flopping around backwards and stumbling.

When I picked him up, his head lolls forward as if he cant hold it up on his own. I separated him and took him back to Southern States hoping someone would know something. No luck there. I brought him home and filled his waterer with electrolyte water. The next day he looked a little better, he picked at some food.

Then he went back down, now he cant eat or drink on his own and I have to hold him with my hand and hold a container filled with vitamins, raw egg, water and some of his chick starter in it. He will lift his head to eat a bite then lay it back on its side on my hand.

When I feel his neck, it feels like a corkscrew, like it spiral's around. He cannot hold it up for any significant time but he has been preening briefly today and he does have a great appetite and will sleep on me during our feedings. He is also drawing up his left foot and clenches it. He will relax it if I put it in my hand but it's still kind of scary. It gets worse when he is stressed out as he starts running backwards in a circle dragging his head behind (in front of?) him.

He is currently receiving 200mg of vit E and selenium, and 500mg vit b12 daily. He gets it all as he finishes the food bowl in about 3 or 4 feedings throughout the day. This regime started last Saturday.

My questions are this:

Does this sound like a vitamin deficiency?
Am I giving him a high enough dose of vitamins?
Is this mean keeping him alive or should I cull him?

Any information would be great, we are going on a week with the vitamins and my husband swears there is no improvement. We are also concerned that his feet drawing up could indicate a neurological disorder.

I have never culled a bird and quite frankly will probably take him to my vet to do it. He is my pet, we love him and I hate the thought of losing him if there is any possibility to save him.

Hmmm, someone on the Colorado thread had the same issue. They figured it was wry neck. Now mind you I can't remember what she did but her's is doing much better after having to feed him by hand. So look up wry neck. Sorry I couldn't be of better help.
Thanks, I have researched wry neck to death but nothing comes up about the neck actually feeling structurally curved in a spiral.

I was hoping someone, anyone had an idea of the best dose of vitamins. Not sure if I'm giving him enough and I'm scared to do too much.
Ok so I'm really sorry I didn't get back to you quicker. I hope I'm not too late. I'm sending you a PM with the gal that had wry neck with one of her's. I hope she can help. Good luck!
I got the message and that helped! Thanks so much!

It's a process of learning and changing as I go. My current method is 2-3tablespoons hot water, I then dissolve the B12, E and selenium into that. I add 2 droppers of polyvisol and 1-2 tablespoons feed. Mix and feed. He seems to love it and will eat it all in one sitting. I have been doing this 2x a day as he wont eat for anyone else. While I have him out, I provide support so his head does not hang but he is the one to lift his head and peck at the mix. I then support him while he tries to preen and look around. Seems kind of like physical therapy haha.

I just dont want to give him too much in the way of vitamins, especially with the polyvisol. (he is getting 400mg selenium daily, 1000mg of b12 daily and 800 mg of vit E daily)

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