Necropsie "Graphic Photos"

@Momma_Bear, very sorry for you losses. :hugs

Not positive, but I think that yellow blob might be testicle.

Thank you and is it really? In the chest though?

From what you are describing, I'd put botulism on my list of differentials. The urates in the feces, the twitching, the feathers pulling out easily, these all match.

I'll have to read that. I read it not long ago, but paid no mind to it.

Yeah, strange? They sit at the top of the kidneys just below the heart and lungs.
This is a duck, but they are the same:
View attachment 1566423

That is SO weird! I don't remember seeing it in my rooster though. I could of just not paid any mind to it though.

My wild ass guess says the first bird had some sort of massive infection. The intestines were way too dark and bloated, the liver was green where the spleen touched it, and the and spleen look larger than normal too.

Edited to add:
I saw in the first post that the bird's foot was wrapped? Bumblefoot?

Yes, they are being treated for bumble foot. I did not Necropsie the rooster right away either. So i don't know if that played a roll or not.

This looks like the cause of death in this one.

I culled him. He was AWFUL and would of died anyway. Is that infection of some sort?

Coccidiosis all day in my opinion (by the pictures of the poop). This time of year it happens a lot with wet grounds. If you treated them for multiple things at once especially worms then that can hurt them more during this period and theyll die father. I know I've been there.

Corid and no other medications at this time is your best bet. Never Sulmet for coccidiosis, never... Never deworm them and treat for coccidiosis at the same time, like I said earlier it'll just make them drop faster.

I see multiple post everyday these past 3 days. All with pictures of poop indicating coccidiosis.

Oh no, I treat for 1 thing at a time. I don't do all at once. No worries there.
Oh no, I treat for 1 thing at a time. I don't do all at once. No worries there.

I made the mistake of treating for worms and coccidiosis one time and lost 2 chickens, it was upsetting but because of that I never had that problem again.

That being said, your poops look exactly like coccidiosis to me, I've had it half a dozen times hit my flock due to new birds coming in and your poop and slouched stance of the chickens looks exactly like coccidiosis. Corid saved many chickens lives at my home.
I made the mistake of treating for worms and coccidiosis one time and lost 2 chickens, it was upsetting but because of that I never had that problem again.

That being said, your poops look exactly like coccidiosis to me, I've had it half a dozen times hit my flock due to new birds coming in and your poop and slouched stance of the chickens looks exactly like coccidiosis. Corid saved many chickens lives at my home.

That's what i thought too, but I treated hard core for that and they've worsened. Being treated again with NO improvement.
That's what i thought too, but I treated hard core for that and they've worsened. Being treated again with NO improvement.
I wish I could help but if youve already treated properly then maybe its some other parasite. I dont know if you are able but maybe a local vet can test the fecal matter or have it ent off if it's not too expensive. Hope you figure out what's going on. :(
On Monday, we will be calling around.. I would like to send to our state test facility, but they 3 hrs away. I'd have to cull the worst at the time n ship.
I wouldn't bother calling around...most vets here in Texas send all samples to our state lab for testing.
Cut the middle man out and save yourself some money and over night a bird straight to them.
This is our lab's directions on how to over night them a sample.

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