Necropsy results, is not coryza or CRD--parasites are rampant!!!

Worm oocysts, are everywhere in the soil, on grass, in bugs. As long as chickens feet touch the ground, they'll eventually get worms. You would have to cage them with wire bottom... up off the in commercial operations to keep them from getting worms. A regular worming schedule is easier. Keeping everything dry helps keep the parasite population down as well.
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I would treat your birds for e-coli also since the wrom infestation has lowered their immune system . Your necropsy suggests that it is suceptible to neomycin.
I am going to treat with neomycin and worm them with the valbazen (worm first then start antibiotics). Then do more vitamins and probiotics to help their health I found several useful items at first state vet. I have to order and have it shipped as our local rural king is too busy trying to be the next wally world to actually carry a large selection of livestock and poultry items.

I asked about the run and tilling because we are cleaning the coop thouroughly and using the oxine product to help disinfect. I was wondering if anything would help outside in the run. They do free range a few hours a day. We have lots of neighborhood dogs roaming free and lost birds in the past to free range like I would like.
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So, I'm wondering . . . my hens seem to be fine. They free range in my suburban back yard two or three times a week. They show no signs of stress or illness. Should I be worming them? BTW I must point out that I have two dogs and a cat who are in the yard frequently. I'm diligent about dog poop pickup, but . . . ?
I've dealt with E Coli. Just because the bird you had necropsied had E Coli doesnt necessarily mean that your others have E Coli (as a problem.) As I stated before and others have mentioned, worms open the door for other problems. After you worm your birds; give them buttermilk (probiotic) mixed with scrambled egg (extra protein) and poultry nutri drench mixed in their water. The buttermilk coats their digestive tract and is absorbed whereas yogurt has a tendency to pass through them. The buttermilk will help the good bacteria in the gut flora, rebuilding the immune systems. The extra protein in the scrambled egg will help build their strength up. Poultry nutri drench restores all the necessary vitamins and minerals that your chickens need to fight back the E Coli. It's normal to have E Coli in their system. It's when it gets out of control, caused by stressor(s), that it becomes a problem. If it becomes a bad problem, neomycin and/or baytril may be necessary to add to the probiotic mixtures.
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It helps to add alot of sand to their run. I put it in my chicken house (several inches) since it has a dirt floor. At least they won't be standing around in their own worm excrete.
"Nature" deals with the problem in several ways.

First, those birds most susceptable to parasites DIE, and don't pass along the genetic traits

It's the "Law of the Jungle, Survival of the Fittest"

Secondly, in nature, birds aren't confined to small areas where they pick up many more eggs to begin with

This I agree with totally. We are forcing our birds to live un-naturally being confined to small areas where they quite naturally are in more concentrated contact with their own poop. There were feral chickens around here for 15 years or so after escaping from a lady down the road. The hens had to hatch a lot of chickens for one or two to reach adulthood. What predators didn't get disease did. They are all gone now except one lone rooster than has taken to my hens during the day.
In the wild, as nature intended, chickens would range around and almost never have to consume anything that was contaiminated with it's own feces. Most worm types are species specific, so they wouldn't become infected by other animals either. Its domestication that has caused the disease and worm problems. Its a marvel of nature that these animals have survived as well as they have, given the human involvement!

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