Need a hug, take a hug.

Good indication!

I don’t think she knows much if anything about them but she seemed interested! She was just really nice in general. :)

Poor thing seemed a bit shell shocked when I mentioned I had 20 though. :lau

And when I started talking about hatching and having to rehome the roosters.

Probably should have just mentioned the 11 hens/pullets and left the other 9 unmentioned. :lau

But she asked what I did with 20 chickens!! :lau

And I think she asked why I was having to rehome them or if the males were less valuable or whatever and I was like well.... when they all start crowing.... :lau
The last therapist I saw wasn't very good. I tried to talk to her about how I worried about stuff, like how I was afraid that I might be suffering from Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, but she said that I was just using a "grandiose rationalization" for my behavior, since I don't accomplish much compared to others my age, like she thought that I was claiming to have some disease to justify everything wrong with me, when the fear of having the disease was really just a worry that I hoped wasn't true and that was causing me anxiety. I had seen her once before in May of 2018, where she said something to me along the lines of "All you seem to do is rub people the wrong way", and when I found myself looking for a therapist again in December, I decided to give seeing her another shot, and it was a mistake.
:lau she let me talk about them/asked so that’s a good sign right!? :D
Excellent!! My friend and I are preoccupied with dogs and we tease each other that when we are with non-dog people....we try to limit ourselves to 3 minutes of dog -talk because seems to be the upper limit and you start to see their eyes glaze over. Of course if you give them time to yammer on about baseball or something you can go back for another 3 minutes of dog talk. It might work for chicken talk too:gig
i think sometimes we sink so far within ourselves we lose touch even with those things that used to bring us joy and purpose. We have trouble focusing on things around us. For me....I find I MUST get out in the woods with my dogs 3-4 times a makes me happy and increases my energy and interest in other things. It's good for my dogs too. Each of us has to find our own "remedy"....sometimes just changing our routine ...building a new one can help.

Wow very well said! I think you are definitely 100% right and that’s a good way to put it. I never thought of it like before but that’s exactly what was happening I think.

I do also tend to spend way too much on my phone lately though which I don’t think helps but even when I am off it, I tend to find a lot of stuff boring or whatever.

I do find though that when I actually force myself to get stuff done or force myself to go outside or whatever that I do feel a lot better but then I usually also wind up exhausted. And often I’ll still get the thoughts and stuff just later in the day.

I do think I need to start forcing myself to walk though because I do feel better when I do it usually and we also have so many beautiful, safe places to walk just right outside my door that I really should be taking advantage of. I really think it would help.

I also think having a dog would help because when I’m working and when I still had a dog, I tend to do anything for them and I’ll go out in the rain, the cold, whatever to walk because it makes them happy and tires them out. Or I’ll do a lot of training/mental stimulation or fetch or a combo of all 3 or just basically whatever I can to tire them out and it’s fun and I think good for me having something to do and a purpose or whatever like that. I love training and if I got another dog, I think I’d try sports and stuff which would be good to get out or even just taking it places.

Of course a real job would help with the purpose thing too which I also need to work on but I think having a dog would help a lot.

The other animals are great but they don’t force me to get outside/exercise or to socialize and interact with people haha

Although I have taught the cat a few tricks. :lau

Sorry for the novel. :oops:
Excellent!! My friend and I are preoccupied with dogs and we tease each other that when we are with non-dog people....we try to limit ourselves to 3 minutes of dog -talk because seems to be the upper limit and you start to see their eyes glaze over. Of course if you give them time to yammer on about baseball or something you can go back for another 3 minutes of dog talk. It might work for chicken talk too:gig

:lau :gig :lau this is an amazing strategy!!!
The last therapist I saw wasn't very good. I tried to talk to her about how I worried about stuff, like how I was afraid that I might be suffering from Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, but she said that I was just using a "grandiose rationalization" for my behavior, since I don't accomplish much compared to others my age, like she thought that I was claiming to have some disease to justify everything wrong with me, when the fear of having the disease was really just a worry that I hoped wasn't true and that was causing me anxiety. I had seen her once before in May of 2018, where she said something to me along the lines of "All you seem to do is rub people the wrong way", and when I found myself looking for a therapist again in December, I decided to give seeing her another shot, and it was a mistake.

Oh wow that’s awful! I’m so sorry! :hugs

I truly hope you find one that works for you :hugs
Wow very well said! I think you are definitely 100% right and that’s a good way to put it. I never thought of it like before but that’s exactly what was happening I think.

I do also tend to spend way too much on my phone lately though which I don’t think helps but even when I am off it, I tend to find a lot of stuff boring or whatever.

I do find though that when I actually force myself to get stuff done or force myself to go outside or whatever that I do feel a lot better but then I usually also wind up exhausted. And often I’ll still get the thoughts and stuff just later in the day.

I do think I need to start forcing myself to walk though because I do feel better when I do it usually and we also have so many beautiful, safe places to walk just right outside my door that I really should be taking advantage of. I really think it would help.

I also think having a dog would help because when I’m working and when I still had a dog, I tend to do anything for them and I’ll go out in the rain, the cold, whatever to walk because it makes them happy and tires them out. Or I’ll do a lot of training/mental stimulation or fetch or a combo of all 3 or just basically whatever I can to tire them out and it’s fun and I think good for me having something to do and a purpose or whatever like that. I love training and if I got another dog, I think I’d try sports and stuff which would be good to get out or even just taking it places.

Of course a real job would help with the purpose thing too which I also need to work on but I think having a dog would help a lot.

The other animals are great but they don’t force me to get outside/exercise or to socialize and interact with people haha

Although I have taught the cat a few tricks. :lau

Sorry for the novel. :oops:
No problem! Thanks for sharing. I'm an extreme introvert....I don't enjoy being with people and find it exhausting. I have to get away by myself and with my dogs to recharge after being with people. But doing dog therapy work, participating with my dogs in different sports and training with others allows me to shift the attention and conversation away from me and onto the dog which makes it much more comfortable for me. It might work for you too.
I'm an RN. I just need a hug, I give, give , give and give to my patients!! I give whatever I have left to my kids, I have little left for my husband and "nothing" left for me....... unfortunately, my husband thinks I'm a B^tch, and kids think I like my job more than them.
:hugs hugs and love for you! I have so much respect for nurses
No problem! Thanks for sharing. I'm an extreme introvert....I don't enjoy being with people and find it exhausting. I have to get away by myself and with my dogs to recharge after being with people. But doing dog therapy work, participating with my dogs in different sports and training with others allows me to shift the attention and conversation away from me and onto the dog which makes it much more comfortable for me. It might work for you too.

Thank you! I totally get that. I also much prefer to be with my animals but I do like some interaction with people or like close friends or whatever but I can’t do too much and like parties/holidays and stuff having to dress up and stand around and socialize and stuff... I hate that and it’s extremely exhausting.

I also usually don’t talk much if at all when I first meet someone and it takes a while to really open up and start talking/show my actual personality if I ever do haha

I also used to not even be able to order my own food or do phone calls or small talk or anything like that but now I’ve gotten better at it and can. Not great and still tiring but I can do it. Except phone calls I still struggle with.

But you’re right, dogs make it easier! I could talk about my animals forever if someone would let me. :lau

So I think it would be good for me to have my own so I would be forced to talk to people.
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